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    Title: 國中小教師身分保障與權利救濟
    Elementary and Junior High School Teachers’ Employment Protection and Legal Remedies.
    Authors: 李重慶
    Li, Chung-Ching
    Contributors: 劉宗德
    Li, Chung-Ching
    Keywords: 國中小教師
    Elementary and Junior High School teachers
    Teacher Grievances
    Incompetent teacher
    Legal remedies
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:16:24 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:  教育權為憲法所保障之基本人權,教師作為教育活動之主要執行者,須秉持專業,以多元角度詮釋教材引導學生自由判斷,不受特定意識形態所影響。為使教師得毫無顧忌從事教學活動,對於教師教師身分、教學自由及各種工作權益應予保障。
    The right to education is one of the fundamental human rights which is safeguarded by the Constitution. As the main excutors for lecturing, teachers need to uphold to their speclaties, providing diverse apects for guiding students to think independently without being affected by certain ideology. In order to ensure teachers to engage in lecturing without scruple, teachers’stauts, freedom of lecture and all kind of rights to work should be guaranteed.
    Therefore, in accordance with laws and regulations, if teachers’ rights and their interests are violated by schools or the executive authorities, teachers may file appeals, petitions, administrative ligitation, civil law ligitation, criminal law ligitation; with the Collective Agreements Act, initiating group negotiations with the employer. Moreover, in accordance with Settlement of Labor-Management Dispute Act, this kind of incidents are able to be applied to mediation, arbitration or adjudication.
    The diversity of the channels for legal remedies of teachers’ rights in the current legal system is quite complete in form; however, in essence, there are still many disputes. As far as administrative litigations are concerned, teachers’ administrative litigations were limited by special authority relationships. At that time, the practice considered that the protection of teachers’ rights was the same as that of public officials. Personal measures taken by schools or competent authorities which didn’t make impact on teachers’ status, nor have significant influence on teachers’ property rights or any other rights, had been rejected in practice and failed to enter the substantive examination. In addition, after the amendment of the Trade Union Law, teachers can also enjoy the protection of three rights of labor. Nonetheless collective bargaining agreement, labor-management disputes, income remedies and contents are still limited by relevant regulations and orders.
    This paper firstly will deliberate the legal basis of the right to education and derives the scope that teachers’ rights and their interests should be protected from the legal basis. Secondly, this paper will analyze the nature of the employment contract between teachers and schools, and discuss the legal remedy channels which can be raised by teachers; Thirdly, this paper will analyze various measures that the competent authority may possibily infringe on the rights and interests of teachers. Last but not least, this paper will clarify the practice and doctrine of teachers’ multiple administrative legal remedies’ channels, and bring forward related suggestions for the protection of teachers’ rights and their interests.
    The results of this paper are as follows: 1. The scope of teachers’ rights: Teachers’ freedom of lecture and rights to work should be guaranteed, but the protection must be based on the premise that they do not infringe on the students’ right to education. 2. The nature of teachers’ contacts: Teachers’ contracts are made by counties’ and cities’ government criterion, which are not explicitly authorized by law, should not unduly infringe the freedom of contract between schools and teachers, and should only be seen as administrative guidance. The nature of the contract of teachers in public schools is known as administrative contract, while the contract between private schools and teachers is known as a civil contract. At the same time, the nature of the employment contract of teachers is also known as a labor contract. Teachers who have disputes over the contract may file appeals, petitions, administrative ligitation, civil law ligitation, collective bargaining agreement and labor-management disputes according to the contract’s nature. 3. The legal system of teachers’ remedies is affected by the amendments to the Teachers Act, and teachers’ appeal is changed to be an alternative to teachers’ petition. However, the appeal system of teachers is still incomplete and should be amended. 4. Influenced by J.Y Interpretation No. 736 and Supreme Administrative Court the first Resolution in the Joint Conference for Presiding Judge of march, 2019, the administrative ligitaion for teachers will be no longer a question of whether teachers are able to bring up an administrative ligitaion or not, but which kind of ligitation should be filed. 5. In order to ensure teachers’ freedom of lecture, the administrative competent authority should loosen the supervision of teachers’ freedom of lecture. 6. For the rights and the interests of teachers, there are legal loopholes and defects that should be legislated and revised as soon as possible.
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    六、 網路資料
    1. 內政部戶政司全球資訊網(https://www.ris.gov.tw/app/portal/346)
    2. 教育部統計查詢網(https://stats.moe.gov.tw)
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105652024
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000224
    Appears in Collections:[法律科際整合研究所] 學位論文

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