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    Title: 發展「主題分析即時回饋系統」促進非同步線上討論成效
    Developing a Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System to facilitate asynchronous online discussion performance
    Authors: 張文騫
    Chang, Wen-Chien
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Chang, Wen-Chien
    Keywords: 非同步線上討論
    Asynchronous online discussion
    Discussion performance
    Implicit guidance strategy
    Latent Dirichlet Allocation topic model
    Socio-scientific issues
    Technology acceptance
    Date: 2020
    Issue Date: 2020-03-02 11:11:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 資訊時代下學習與科技越來越密不可分,而非同步線上討論為數位學習中常見的學習活動之一,過程中學習者透過合作方式參與學習,不受時間和空間限制的分享想法、提出問題和進行討論回饋,以達到知識分享及強化學習的目的。但是若缺乏適當有效促進討論的輔助機制,便可能產生討論內容偏離主題,討論內容過於狹隘且不夠深入等問題。因此,本研究設計「主題分析即時回饋系統(Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System, 以下簡稱TAIFS)」,希望透過將學習者合作學習討論的內容,即時轉換成主題與主題比率形式視覺化呈現,使學習者能即時掌握線上討論中全體討論狀況與異同觀點,進而有效提升討論成效。
    本研究採用準實驗研究法,隨機選取台北市某高中一年級兩班共61名學生為研究對象,其中一班31名學生被隨機分派為採用TAIFS輔助線上討論之實驗組,另一班30名學生則被分派為使用一般Moodle線上討論之控制組。兩組學習者進行「海岸地區利用」之社會性科學議題(socio-scientific issues, 以下簡稱SSI)線上討論,以探討兩組學習者在討論成效之複雜度與多觀點,以及科技接受度是否具有顯著的差異。此外,也以性別作為背景變項,探討不同性別學習者,在討論成效之複雜度與多觀點,以及科技接受度是否具有顯著的差異。
    In the information age, learning and technology are becoming more and more inseparable. Asynchronous online discussion is one of the common learning activities in digital learning. In the process, learners participate in learning through cooperative methods. Sharing ideas and asking questions without being limited by time and space, and give feedback to achieve the purpose of knowledge sharing and reinforcement learning. However, if there is no proper and effective assist mechanism to facilitate discussion, the discussion content may deviate from the topic and the discussion content is too narrow and not deep enough. Therefore, this research designed the "Topic Analysis Instant Feedback System (TAIFS)", hoping to convert the content of the collaborative learning discussions of learners into a visual representation of the topic and the topic ratio in real time, so that the learners can immediately grasp the overall discussion status, similarities opinions and differences opinions in discussions, and effectively improve the discussion performance.
    In this study, a quasi-experimental research method was used. A total of 61 students from two classes in a high school in Taipei City were randomly selected. One class of 31 students was randomly assigned to the experimental group using TAIFS to assist online discussion, and the other class of 30 students are assigned to control groups using general Moodle online discussions. Two groups of learners discussed socio-scientific issues (SSI) call "coastal area utilization" to investigate whether the complexity and perspectives of discussion performance, and the acceptance of technology between two groups of learners have significant difference or not. In addition, gender is used as a background variable to investigate whether the complexity and perspectives of discussion performance, and the acceptance of technology between different genders have significant difference.
    The results of the study found compared with the control group using the general Moodle online discussion group, the experimental group using TAIFS to assist online discussion was significantly better than the control group in overall discussion performance, sub-item complexity and perspectives. In addition, when TAIFS assisted discussion, whether it was female or male learners, there was no significant difference in the overall discussion performance, sub-item complexity and perspectives. Indicating regardless of gender, when TAIFS assisted the discussion of learners can effectively improve the discussion performance. However, compared with learners who didn’t use TAIFS, among learners who had used TAIFS, female learners were more effective than male learners in improving perspectives. In terms of technological acceptance, the two groups didn’t reach statistically significant differences, but both showed generally high technological acceptance. In addition, the qualitative data analysis of the interviewees showed that the experimental group of respondents who used TAIFS generally felt that the overall discussion of real-time topics, the proportion of group discussion topics, and the internal and external search function can effectively help learners to discuss issues from different perspectives.
    Finally, based on the research results, this study puts forward suggestions for optimizing the TAIFS system, optimizing the Moodle discussion area, and research directions that can be further explored in the future. On the whole, this study integrates technologies such as discussion learning, guidance strategies of discussion, natural language processing, and data visualization to provide an innovative and effective learning tool, TAIFS, that assists online discussion with technology to contribute to promote online discussion performance of digital learning.
    Reference: 潘淑滿(2003)。質性研究-理論與實務。新北市:心理出版社。
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106155003
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000307
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