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    Title: 韓國國家形象、韓流認知與韓語學習動機間之相關性研究:以臺灣高中生為對象
    A Study on the Relationship among Image of Korea, Cognition of Hallyu and Korean Learning Motivation: A Case Study of Senior High School Students in Taiwan
    Authors: 歐家君
    Ou, Chia-Chun
    Contributors: 朴炳善
    Ou, Chia-Chun
    Keywords: 高中第二外語教育
    Second foreign language education for senior high schools
    Second foreign language education
    Korean language education
    Image of Korea
    Cognition of Hallyu(Korean Wave)
    Learning motivation
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-02-05 18:14:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,在臺灣,隨著韓語能力檢定逐年穩定增加的報考人數、選修高中第二外語韓語課程人數呈急速成長的趨勢,韓語深受喜愛的程度已不容小覷。本研究旨在以臺灣高中生為對象,透過問卷調查探討高中生的韓國國家形象、韓流認知與韓語學習動機,再以調查結果分析在不同選課原因下,韓國國家形象、韓流認知與韓語學習動機是否產生差異,並進一步討論韓國國家形象、韓流認知與韓語學習動機三者之間的相關性。
    針對不同選課原因下韓國國家形象、韓流認知與韓語學習動機的差異,本研究之研究結果顯示:(1) 不同選課原因對「韓國國家形象」雖有顯著差異,但自願性選課與非自願性選課的高中生各群組間從統計上無法判別出差異。(2) 自願性選擇韓文課的高中生,相對於非自願性選課的學生,對「韓流」有較高度關心。(3) 不同選課原因的臺灣高中生在「韓語學習動機」中,除「對韓國人的好感」在各選課群組間無顯著差異外,相較於非自願性選擇韓文課的臺灣高中生,自願性選擇韓文課的臺灣高中生「對韓語的學習態度」較為積極、有相對強烈的「整合型動機」與「工具型動機」、對外語較有興趣、對韓語課程的不安感也較少。(4) 相較於非自願性選修韓文的臺灣高中生來說,自願性選修韓文課的學生在修習韓語課後,對韓國整體形象有正向轉變。
    另外,針對韓國國家形象、韓流認知、韓語學習動機與修習韓語課後的態度轉變之間的相關性,從研究結果可發現:(1) 臺灣高中生對韓國藝人、韓劇、韓國美妝時尚等「韓流認知」越高,對韓國人的好感度便會提升、對韓語學習態度更加積極、整體韓語學習動機亦會增強。(2) 臺灣高中生對韓國的經濟、技術、文化層面等國家形象評價越高,會使其韓語學習動機增加。(3) 臺灣高中生對韓國人的好感、對韓語的學習態度、對外語的興趣、整合型動機與工具型動機等五項韓語學習動機層面具有越強烈動機,則修習韓語課後,會對韓國整體形象與態度給予高度評價。(4) 臺灣高中生若對於韓語課程越是感到不安,在修習韓語課後對韓國整體形象則會抱持負面態度。
    Since the attendance of TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) has increased steadily and the rate of senior high school students who choose Korean as their second foreign language in elective course has risen rapidly, popularity of Korean-learning in Taiwan can’t not be ignored anymore. In order to get the meat of the tendency, I use questionnaire survey and senior high school students as research objects to analyze whether various reasons of choosing Korean language course, will make any difference on national image of Korea, cognition of Hallyu(Korean Wave) and learning motivation.
    To clarify these issues, I first consolidated overall orientation of second-foreign-language-education in Taiwan. Second, discussed the history and development of Korean as second-foreign-language-education. Finally, use SPSS to analyze correlations among national image of Korea, cognition of Hallyu and learning motivation.
    Depending on different reasons of choosing Korean language course, research results shows that: (1) Although different reasons of choosing course has significant difference on national image of Korea, students who voluntarily chose course and students who unwillingly chose the course has no statistics difference. (2) Compared to students who unwillingly chose the course, students who voluntarily chose the course have high attention to Hallyu. (3) Except “be fond to Korean”, students who voluntarily chose course have not only stronger integrative motivation, more interested in learning languages, but also have less anxiety about Korean language course. (4) Compared to students who unwillingly chose the course, students who voluntarily chose the course have more positive national image of Korea after taking Korean language course.
    Besides, through the analysis shows that, after taking Korean language course, alteration of students’ attitude as well as correlation among national image of Korea, cognition of Hallyu(Korean Wave) and learning motivation (1) Senior high school students in Taiwan, who have higher cognition to Hallyu (such as Korean artists, Korean drama and Korean fashion) are more fond to Korean, learn Korean more actively and also have stronger motivation overall. (2) Senior high school students in Taiwan, who speak more high of economic, techniques and culture of Korea, will have stronger motivation of Korean-learning. (3) Including fondness of Korean, learning attitude of Korean, interest of foreign language learning, integrative and instrumental motivation, senior high school students who have stronger motivation, will have more positive assess about national image of Korea. (4) Senior high school students in Taiwan that are more anxious to Korean language lesson will have more negative assessment about national image of Korea.
    Based on analysis results, it shows that compared to students who unwillingly chose the course, students who voluntarily chose course had more positive national image of Korea and higher cognition as well as stronger learning motivation.
    As a first study of discussing Korean language attitude of senior high school students in Taiwan, the contribution of the study is without a doubt.
    Last but not least, as a pioneering research, I am looking forward to research afterwards, which pay attention to better Korean language teacher education, education method whether is suitable for senior high school students, well-designed material and satisfaction of learners. To sum up, hope Korean language in senior high school will improve continuously and provide a better Korean language education system for students.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105557002
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000018
    Appears in Collections:[韓國語文學系] 學位論文

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