題名: | 公務機關職場霸凌及改善策略 Workplace bullying in the public sectors and its prevention strategies |
作者: | 詹莉莉 Chan, Li-Li |
貢獻者: | 董祥開 詹莉莉 Chan, Li-Li |
關鍵詞: | 職場霸凌 攻擊行為 公務機關 對人的尊重 Workplace bullying Aggressive behavior The public sectors Respect for people |
日期: | 2020 |
上傳時間: | 2020-02-05 18:07:26 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 公務組織內部潛藏著日益增加的職場霸凌危機,正有形無形侵蝕公務人員的身心健康,甚或進一步影響為民服務品質,值得加以正視。本研究挑選曾經於職場中遭受主管、同事、民眾或下屬霸凌之公務員10人為受訪者,以深度訪談並輔以簡單問卷的方式,瞭解公務機關公務員遭受職場霸凌的概況,並提出具體有效的防治措施,以期改善公務機關職場霸凌的情形。 本研究結果發現,不同霸凌者具有不同特性,霸凌之原因也不盡相同。因為主管擁有較高的職權及組織所賦予較多的資源,且公務員服從性高與缺乏霸凌問題意識,主管霸凌屬下的比例為最高。公務機關霸凌行為可分為對個人本身及對工作的攻擊行為,職場霸凌不僅對個人生理、心理健康、工作、家庭及生活產生嚴重的負面影響性,也增加組織離職及流動率,相對不利於組織的發展與整體為民服務的效能。對於改善公務機關職場霸凌的方法,本研究建議主管機關應先正視公務機關普遍存在的職場霸凌問題,並公開宣示反霸凌,比照性騷擾防治措施,設立獨立超然的職場霸凌防治委員會,得以公正獨立地專責處理職場霸凌案件;被霸凌者相較之下較為弱勢,爰公務機關應主動建置霸凌事件的處理機制,以適度抗衡組織內部霸凌者的權力,使其有所忌憚並收斂攻擊行為;針對主管逾越工作指導範圍而有霸凌行為之產生,應明確區分工作指導與職場霸凌的差異,不斷向內部宣導職場霸凌有關的課程,使主管不逾越工作指導的界限,而公務員於遭受霸凌時具有霸凌問題意識,瞭解應如何適當的反擊與救濟方式。除此之外,組織工作分配與工作設計應衡酌個人經驗與能力,避免超出個人負荷量,政府核定行政處分前應準備周延,避免草率行事。最後,提升公務人員「對人的尊重」之價值觀,均是本研究認為能有效改善公務機關職場霸凌的方法。 There is an increasing phenomenon of workplace bullying inside public service organizations. Workplace bullying erodes the physical and mental health of civil servants both tangibly and intangibly, further affecting the quality of service for the public. Therefore the issue of workplace bullying deserves to be addressed. In this study, 10 civil servants who have been bullied by supervisors, colleagues, the public or subordinates in the workplace are selected as interviewees. Through in-depth interviews and supplemented by simple questionnaires, we understand the general situation of civil servants who suffer from workplace bullying and propose specific effective prevention and control measures to improve workplace bullying in the public sectors. The results of this study found that different bullies have different characteristics and the causes of bullying are also different. Because supervisors have higher authority and more resources given by the organization, and civil servants have high levels of obedience and lack of awareness of the problem of bullying, the proportion of supervisors bullying others is the highest. Bullying behaviors in the public sectors can be divided into aggressive behaviors against individuals and work. Workplace bullying not only has a serious negative impact on personal physiology, mental health, work, family and life, but also increases staff turnover rate. This is not conducive to the development of the organization and the overall effectiveness of serving the public. Regarding ways to improve workplace bullying in the public sectors, this study suggests that the competent authorities should first face up to the common workplace bullying issues in the public sectors, publicly announce anti-bullying, and compare sexual harassment prevention measures with the establishment of an independent and detached workplace bullying prevention committee. Bullying cases should be handled in a fair and independent manner; the victims of bullying are comparatively weak, and the public sectors should take the initiative to establish a handling mechanism for bullying incidents, in order to counteract the power of bullying within the organization. In cases where bullying behaviors occur when supervisors exceed the scope of work guidance, the difference between work guidance and workplace bullying should be clearly distinguished, and courses about workplace bullying should be continuously promoted internally so that supervisors do not exceed work guidance. Civil servants should have a sense of bullying when they are being bullied, and understand how to respond and seek assistance. In addition, organizational work distribution and job design should weigh up personal experience and ability to avoid exceeding personal loads. The government should prepare comprehensively before approving administrative sanctions and avoid rash action. Finally, promoting the value of "respect for people" in public servants is a method that this study believes can effectively improve workplace bullying in the public sectors. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 106921081 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106921081 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000054 |
顯示於類別: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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