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Title: | 一生奉獻於水火-六位退休消防人員擔任消防志工的故事 Dedicated Life to Water and Fire-Story of 6 Retired Firefighters served as Volunteers |
Authors: | 蔡庭嘉 |
Contributors: | 傅凱若 蔡庭嘉 |
Keywords: | 消防員 退休消防人員 消防志工 生命歷程 firefighters retired firefighters volunteer firefighters life experience |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2020-02-05 18:06:09 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本文就六位退休消防人員擔任消防志工的故事進行質性研究,從少年家庭環境開始探討加入消防工作的原因、任職消防工作的甘苦談,以及退休後加入消防志工的原因。就如同回憶錄一樣,深入他們的生命歷程,並試圖瞭解這些少數歷經出生入死消防工作,依然願意付出自己人生所餘歲月,奉獻於水火之中並救人無數的故事。同時,也試圖瞭解出這些人的消防工作動機變化、退休後的職場關係的延伸及社會大眾回饋對消防工作者的影響等七項研究發現,進而提出正視消防人員心理壓力問題及重拾民眾對消防專業的尊重等五項建議。 This is a qualitative study on the story of six retired firefighters serving as volunteer firefighters through the discussion of their family and growing environment, the reasons for joining firefighting work, hard work about firefighting, and the motivation of joining firefighting volunteers after retirement. It is like memoirs that explores their deep life experience and try to understand the life-risking work of firefighting and why they are still willing to dedicate themselves to save countless lives. In the meantime, the research discovers seven perspectives, including the change of motivation of firefighting work, the extension of career relationship after retirement, and the impact of society feedback, and then further proposes five suggestions on the mental pressure of firefighters and the public respect on the profession of firefighting. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 103921082 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103921082 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU202000010 |
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