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    Title: 邁向敏捷政府–敏捷專案管理在我國數位治理的應用與影響
    Toward agile government: application and influence of agile project management in the public sector
    Authors: 榮予恆
    Yuheng, Jung
    Contributors: 蕭乃沂
    Hsiao, Nai-Yi
    Jung Yuheng
    Keywords: 敏捷專案管理
    Agile management
    Adaptive and agile governance
    Digital government
    Wicked problem
    The difference between public and private sector
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-02-05 18:01:46 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 在科技發展與網路普及應用的趨勢之下,資通訊科技已成為各國政府建構與推動電子化政府各項計畫以提升政府有效治理的主要途徑,隨著資訊業務日趨繁重,各級政府部門在人力、技術及成本的考量下,目前的資訊系統的開發與維護多為委外辦理。然而,資訊委外專案由於初期無法明確定義需求、外部環境變化日趨快速、資通訊科技日新月異、專案過程中易面臨需求變更、開發過程缺乏使用者參與、以及民眾對政府的需求與期待日益增高等原因,政府在數位時代面臨的挑戰日益棘手。近年來公共行政領域興起適應與敏捷治理(Adaptive and Agile Governance),其認為政府應透過外部服務與內部管理的數位化即時回應公共問題以及民眾需求,利用數位科技賦權公民能夠做更多的事情,提升處理和適應問題的能力以適應外部環境的劇烈變化,政府若能透過學習私營部門的敏捷開發(Agile Development)精神來革新公部門傳統的瀑布開發方式,將能有效提升政府的彈性與效率、並減緩投入大量資源卻經常失敗的問題。


    Widespread use of the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in government has transformed the public services. Concerning the professional techniques, human resources, and monetary costs, governments usually ask the private sector to become involved in developing and operating IT projects through outsourcing. However, the performance-based acquisition process in IT outsourcing projects by governments has created many wicked problems. For example, the reasons for government IT project failure include the difficulty in identifying the requirements in the beginning; the rapidly changing external environment; the expeditious innovation of technology; the design shifts that the development process frequently faces; and the overreliance on external IT contractors. In addition, the citizens’ needs and expectations of their governments are rising. As a result, many scholars recently advocate that applying the concept of adaptive and agile governance in the public sector to solve the problems caused by traditional waterfall development.

    The methodology is a multiple case study analysis of three public agencies that have conducted an agile project in Taiwan. This article aims to explore that how an agile model can be activated in a government`s acquisition and contracting rules. Results reveal that the appropriate conditions for an agile approach in the government of Taiwan include: projects with higher levels of uncertainty and risk, difficulties in prioritizing schedules, and priorities for the project director. However, the drawbacks of introducing and adopting an agile method to government are more than benefits. Given the fact that the essence between the private sector and public sector is significantly different, (such as the acquisition rules and standards, the culture of civil servants and contract teams, as well as the government-centric thinking), tailoring an agile method is a critical point for governments to decide whether an agile method could be sustained and exert influence in the long term. Last but not least, the scholars and political appointees have to realize that large-scale promotion in government could let all government agencies to adopt an agile method, but it also would cause the result of civil servants to place emphasis on formalizing an agile method rather than pursuing an agile spirit.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105256026
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901305
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