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    Title: 傳統民俗運用媒體提升文創活動成效之研究 -以白沙屯媽祖進香活動為例
    A study on the use of traditional folk media to improve the effectiveness of culture innovation initiatives. - taking Mazu Pilgrimage as an example
    Authors: 謝岳龍
    Hsieh, Yueh-Lung
    Contributors: 詹文男
    Hsieh, Yueh-Lung
    Keywords: 傳統民俗
    Traditional Folk
    Campaign results
    Live broadcast
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-02-05 17:41:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 由行政院文化部指定為國家重要民俗的白沙屯媽祖進香活動,近年來參與人數的成長幅度呈現倍數增加,研究者認為與媒體傳播有關,尤其近年興起的新世代網路媒體-直播,更是為此活動成效增長重要的關鍵因素。
    In recent years, the growth rate of participants in baishatun Mazu pilgrimage activity, which was designated as an important national folk custom by the Ministry of culture , has multiplied. Researchers believe that it is related to media communication, especially the emerging new generation of online media live broadcast, which is an important key factor for the growth of the effectiveness of this activity.
    With more than 20 years of experience in Sanlih TV station, through the internal information of the TV station, and many years of experience in practical cooperation with the Management Committee of the Gongtian palace in baishatun, the primary data collected through oral interviews and secondary data collected from print and electronic media reports serve as the main axis of research and analysis. This paper will focus on the traditional print, electronic media and the new generation ,discusses the effect of the combination of traditional folk activities and the media in improving the effectiveness of the activities.
    The results show that the effect of traditional folk activities combined with media driven activities is positive and has a considerable influence, which can make folk activities between villages expand into national activities, and let more people participate in and experience the process of activities. However, this study also finds that in the face of the positive benefits brought by the media, whether the executive members of the traditional folk customs are ready to grow up with the times, or pushed forward by the trend of the times, or even under the wave of the whole e generation, is a part worthy of consideration for all the folk customs practitioners in Taiwan.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106932105
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000004
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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