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    Title: 薪酬揭露人數與盈餘管理之關聯性
    Authors: 黃宣蓉
    Huang, Hsuan-Jung
    Contributors: 梁嘉紋
    Huang, Hsuan-Jung
    Keywords: 薪酬揭露
    Compensation disclosure
    Earnings management
    Value relevance
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-02-05 17:06:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 國際高階管理階層薪酬規範趨勢逐步從資訊揭露、薪酬與績效結合到股東薪酬話語權的規範,而為了使股東參與能發揮實質監督功能,個別揭露現已被視為一良好的做法。然而,個別揭露規範在我國頗具爭議,主管機關折衷以彙總搭配級距揭露方式於年報揭露公司之薪酬資訊,在我國採取實質認定揭露對象下,揭露人數多寡勢必會影響資訊內涵。本研究透過經理人資訊揭露動機與盈餘管理,以及資訊揭露與企業價值之關聯,分別探討薪酬揭露人數是否與盈餘管理具關聯性,以及是否具有價值攸關性。實證結果顯示薪酬揭露人數與盈餘管理具關聯性,當揭露人數越多,向上應計基礎盈餘管理程度越低;而實質盈餘管理方面,當揭露人數越多,向下實質盈餘管理程度會越高。在價值攸關性方面,實證發現外部投資者以資訊觀點為重,揭露越少人數越能直接辨識解讀薪酬資訊,資訊揭露程度越高因而使公司價值提升。本研究實證結果對我國彙總搭配級距式薪酬揭露之影響以及揭露對象規範之研究提供不同思考方向及初步證據。
    Executive compensation disclosure on an individual basis has been regarded as a better disclosure practice of executive pay. However, authorities in Taiwan compromised to a disclosure of individual executive’s pay in brackets and a lump-sum total for the executive group as a whole. Under such pay disclosure practice, it is unclear whether including more executives in the executive group when reporting executive compensation is informative to the outsiders. This study explores whether the number of executives whose compensation is disclosed to the public is associated with earnings management and whether it is value relevant. The empirical results suggest that the number of executives whose compensation is included in the compensation tables disclosed to the public is negatively associated with upward discretionary accruals and positively associated with downward earnings management. Empirical evidence also shows that the number of executives with compensation is included in reporting lump-sum total of executive pay is negatively associated with firm value, indicating that external investors consider including more executives in reporting total executive pay to be less informative.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106353001
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU202000005
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