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    Title: 探究虛擬實境中恐懼感的形成: 分析位置錯覺和合理性錯覺之作用
    The Study of Fear in Virtual Reality: Analyze the Effect of Place Illusion and Plausibility Illusion
    Authors: 徐思妤
    Xu, Si-Yu
    Contributors: 陳百齡

    Chen, Pai-Lin
    Liao, Chun-Feng

    Xu, Si-Yu
    Keywords: 虛擬實境
    Virtual reality
    Place illusion
    Plausibility illusion
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2020-01-03 16:00:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 這篇論文,目的在探討在虛擬實境所建構的虛擬環境中人如何產生真實恐懼感。從虛擬實境的近期應用中可以發現,人的確在虛擬實境中感到恐懼,那麼,倘若要引發這種情緒反應,哪些因素會促成這種虛擬實境中的以假亂真「以假亂真」?
    虛擬實境作為當代媒介,其特殊之處在於能夠給受眾帶來較高的沈浸感、在場感。本文借用學者Slater研究中兩個概念:位置錯覺(place illusion,簡稱PI)和合理性錯覺(plausibility illusion,簡稱Psi),探究在虛擬實境中這兩個機制對人的恐懼感產生有什麼影響,並且通過兩者交互作用分析,了解在VR的恐懼情境中兩個機制是如何互相影響。
    This paper discusses why people get real fear in the virtual environment constructed by virtual reality.From the applications of virtual reality, it can be found that people get real fear in these virtual reality. But, why the virtual reality can make people believe the virtual environment and respond authentically?
    As a contemporary medium, virtual reality’s special feature is that it can bring a higher sense of immersion and presence to the audience. Slater indicate tow important concepts in VR: place illusion (PI) and plausibility illusion (Psi). This paper is going to find how PI and Psi impact the fear in VR, exploring these two mechanisms how to affect each other in the situations of fear in VR.
    In this study, four experimental environments were designed to evoke place illusion (PI) and plausibility illusion (Psi). We have 34 participants join in the experiment, and they are all healthy and over 18 years old. Among these people,4 participants were excluded because of the unqualified data. Each participant join in 4 environments, so the total of data is 120.
    Finally we find that: in virtual reality, the place illusion has an effect on fear, the plausibility illusion has an effect on fear, and PI and Psi have a significant interaction on fear. In any dimension of Place Illusion ,the stronger Plausibility Illusion, the stronger sense of fear. In any dimension of Plausibility Illusion ,the stronger Place Illusion, the stronger sense of fear. Fear shows a maximum when the two illusions combine together .According to this, it can be judged that in the virtual reality environment, people have real emotional reactions such as fear, which are influenced by both place illusion (PI) and plausibility illusion (Psi).
    And, experiments found that the physiological factors, such as heart rate and gender, have an effect on the fear in VR. The main impact is on the place illusion. The stronger the initial heart rate of a person, the more susceptible they are to being affected by place illusion; female are more susceptible to being affected by place illusion.
    This study hopes to provide some concepts for the design of virtual reality ,especially in the design of fear situation .We hope though this study ,virtual reality can be applied in a broader fields.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106462017
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901287
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