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    Title: 資訊科技對零售金融業的影響
    The Technology Impact to Retail Banking
    Authors: 孫一仕
    Sun, I-Shi
    Contributors: 江永裕

    Sun, I-Shi
    Keywords: 行動支付
    Bank 3.0
    Date: 2015
    Issue Date: 2020-01-03 15:55:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract:   資訊科技自1960年代開始商用化應用之後,對於金融業即持續不斷產生影響,從早期運用計算機科技加速作業效率,降低人為計算錯誤。隨著銀行資料數位化之後,開始引進各種自動化工具,如自動櫃員機,存摺登錄機,電話銀行將更多的事務性工作交由客戶自助完成。同時中心化的處理機制,讓銀行推出更多的遠端服務如信用卡業務。1995年網際網路開始商業應用,對金融業帶來全新的業務模式,網路銀行。這是首次客戶可以以自己的設備,不再受限於銀行的設定,獲取個人在銀行的資訊並主動進行業務。
      2007年蘋果公司推出智慧型手機,首先改變了金融機構與客戶的互動方式,客戶更加容易地取得金融服務。伴隨著金融科技新創公司運用科技所產生的創意以及2008年金融海嘯所帶來客戶對於金融機構的不信任,FinTech 新創公司在2013年開始蓬勃發展。本文將以金融業運用科技的歷程,來探究銀行使用科技的核心用途以及方法。進一步探討持續演進的新科技,在行動支付,電子支付各項應用所帶來的業務衝擊。最後探討金融機構與金融科技新創公司競合關係,以及金融機構藉由學習因應新的挑戰。
    Start from 1960, Computer technology had been implemented in banking industry and since then computer technology continuously influence the way bank do the business. The early stage implementation started from improve efficiency and reduce human error. After all the data has been store in computer, the bank start to introduce the self-service device like automated teller machine, passbook printer and IVR. Bank let the customer choice the time they would like to conduct the transaction. The central computer center also let the bank can develop the credit card and inter-bank/inter-branch transaction. 1995 is the year is internet become adopted by business world and it bring a new business model to the banking industry, the internet bank. This the first time customer not only can choice the time he/she want to conduct the transaction by also use their device to receive a lot of information without go to the branch.
    Apple computer introduce iPhone, the world first smart phone. It change the way customer communicated with the bank, customer can easily access baking service. The financial technology company based on this new technology to development a new business model to enhance customer experience. The 2008 financial crisis let the customer willing to use the financial service from non-bank. The FinTech start-up began booming since 2013. The study will start from the history of how bank used technology and find out what is the core component changed the bank business. The study will also focus on the new emerging technology which will impact the transactional banking business such as mobile payment. The last portion of the study will discuss the co-opetition between bank and FinTech and how bank can face the new challenge.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0096932054
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901292
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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