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    Title: 美食外交: 以韓國為例
    Gastrodiplomacy: the Case of South Korea
    Authors: 賴玫郁
    Ramayu, Aika
    Contributors: 魏玫娟
    Wei, Mei-Chuan
    Aika Ramayu
    Keywords: 美食外交
    Soft Power
    Cultural Diplomacy
    Global Hansik Campaign
    Non-State Actors
    Korean Wave
    Global Popularity
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-12-06 09:25:06 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 軟實力在不同於傳統外交的公眾外交上佔有重要地位;在公眾外交領域中,以食物做為媒介的外交模式被稱為「美食外交」。這種透過美食進而分享一國文化遺產的新型外交模式,不僅能增加文化影響力,同時也提升提升外國民眾對本國文化的認識。本研究以韓國為例,透過文獻資料分析與深度訪談,試圖分析韓國如何透過推廣「韓食」,即「全球韓食運動」,來達到其以提升外國民眾對韓國文化的認識進而帶動觀光旅遊發展為主的外交目的。此外,本論文透過外國民眾對韓食的滿意杜、國家品牌指數、海外韓食餐廳數目增加、飲食產業上國際合作的提升等指標,來探討了「全球韓食運動」的成功對該國的影響。本研究發現:1. 隨著韓食在在全球範圍內的普及,美食外交中關鍵的戰略溝通作用幫助韓國推展其文化影響力;2. 其影響可由以下幾項數據證實,如外國民眾對韓食的關注增加以及對韓食的滿意度提升、韓國國家品牌指數上揚、海外韓國餐廳數目增加、韓食成為赴韓觀光旅遊的重要原因、以及韓國在飲食產業上有越來越多的國際合作。
    The utilization of soft power has been important in public diplomacy going beyond conventional diplomacy. The use of food in the realm of public diplomacy is known as gastrodiplomacy. Gastrodiplomacy as the new development of public diplomacy plays as a medium to increase cultural influence by highlighting the cultural traits of culinary culture. In order to deepen our understanding of gastrodiplomacy, this research studies gastrodiplomacy using South Korea as a case. In particular, it analyzes how South Korea has implemented gastrodiplomacy through the promotion of the country’s national cuisine, namely the Global Hansik Campaign. Further, it explores the impacts of its success on the country. The topic is analyzed within the concept of soft power, public diplomacy, and cultural diplomacy, as well as gastrodiplomacy. This research found that, in the case of South Korea: 1) through strategic communication in its implementation, gastrodiplomacy helps South Korea foster cultural influence abroad as Hansik gains global popularity; 2) the impacts of which are proven quantitatively in the following points: the increase of foreign people`s attention on Korean food as well as its image, the rise of foreign people`s satisfaction with Korean food, an improvement of the National Brand Index (NBI), the rise of international cooperation established in the food industry with overseas Korean restaurants, and the growth of a tourism sector that developed food as a major consideration for visiting South Korea.
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901257
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