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    政大機構典藏 > 法學院 > 法律學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/127734
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    Title: 勞工未履行勞務之研究
    Research on nonfulfillment of labor’s obligations
    Authors: 徐榕逸
    Contributors: 林佳和
    Lin, Chia-Ho
    Keywords: 債務不履行
    Non-Performance of Obligation
    Impossibility of Performance
    Unexpectation of Performance
    The Speciality of Labor’s Obligation
    Right to Refuse Performance
    Risk Allocation in Labor Contract
    Modernization of the law of Obligation of German Civil Code
    Principle of continuous wages
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-12-06 09:23:05 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本文以「勞工未履行勞務之研究」為題。涉及兩大觀察面向,從宏觀角度觀察勞動契約法作為民法契約法之特殊領域,與民法預設價值有著根本性差別,在過去法律發展上,適用民法規定時有著許多特殊發展,並且存有緊張關係。本文企圖以勞動契約之本質特殊性與特殊的契約風險分配,具體解釋勞務給付如何基於三大特殊性修正或解釋民法固有之機制;從微觀角度,同樣基於【勞動法-民法】之緊張關係之架構,本文以債務不履行中的不履行(Nichtsleistung)作為視界,於此範圍內針對民法各項機制,如:給付不能/給付不可期待、對待給付、損害賠償、解除/終止契約,仔細討論勞動法與民法在各項契約機制的互動關係,勞動契約運用民法預設之契約機制之疑難,以及克服適用疑難的解釋路徑,試著在高度法釋義學領域中滿足勞工的社會保障需求。
    This thesis is entitled “Research on Nonfulfillment of Labor’s Obligations”. Involving the two aspects. At the macroscopic aspect, the labor contract law is a special field of civil law, but it depends on different value. There are many special developments in the application of civil law regulations. Consequently, labor contract law and civil law are usually in tension. This thesis attempts to explain the nature of the labor contract, and specifically explain how three specialities of labor’s obligations modify or explain the inherent regulations of the civil law; At the microscopic aspect, it is also based on the tension between labor law and civil law. It start from the non-fulfillment of Labor’s Obligations and discuss the various regulations of civil law, such as Impossibility of Performance/ Unexpectation of Performance, The Principle of “No Work No Pay”, Damages and Termination. Through the interaction between labor law and civil law, this thesis attempt to find out the way to meet the social security needs of labor with law interpretation.
    Because of the lack of overall Discussion in Taiwan, it is difficult to take care of comprehensive legal system. Therefore, the Modernization of the law of Obligation of German Civil Code would be a nice comparative law. After the major reform of German Civil Code in 2002, the labor law also faces the challenge. Through this opportunity, we can have a glimpse of it. How the German law reconcile the basic value differences between the labor law and the civil law, and how the labor contract applies the non-performance system in response to changes in the new German Civil Code.
    The expected contribution of this thesis is to create a system of “Unexpectation of Performance” in the field of labor law. This thesis believes that the labor contract should be based on the principle of good faith, and give labors a general right to refuse performance, and combine Principle of continuous wages, damages and termination protection. To achieve the special risk allocation of labor contracts and meet the needs of social security.
    Reference: 參考文獻
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    二、 中文專書及專書論文
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    三、 中文期刊
    1. Arndt Teichmann著‧林易典譯,德國民法債編修正之重點,政大法學評論,第79期,2004年,頁115-169。
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    四、 研討會論文
    1. Arndt Teichmann著‧詹森林譯,德國債法現代化—國際發展的表現:民法研究會第三十三次學術研討會,法學叢刊,第193期,2004年。
    2. 吳姿慧,特別休假之要件與適用,一例一休與特別休假學術研討會,台灣勞動法學會主辦,2017年。
    3. 林佳和,例假日休息原則與工作例外,工作與休息制度變革:一例一休與特別休假學術研討會,台灣勞動法學會主辦,2017年。
    4. 張鑫隆,特別休假之法律效果,一例一休與特別休假學術研討會,台灣勞動法學會主辦,2017年。
    5. 陳建文,休息日規範的體系整合思考—兼論休息日工作之工資認定與加給問題,工作與休息制度變革:一例一休與特別休假學術研討會,台灣勞動法學會主辦,2017年。

    五、 研究報告
    1. 林佳和、陳彥良,勞動基準法註釋—工資工時子計畫,行政院國家科學委員會補助專題研究計畫,2011年。
    2. 黃程貫、劉士豪、陳建文、林佳和,我國實施勞動契約法制影響評估研究,行政院勞工委員會委託研究報告,2009年。
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105651059
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901260
    Appears in Collections:[法律學系] 學位論文

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