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Title: | 高中校長道德領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能關係之研究 A study on the relationships among high school principals’ moral leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, and school effectiveness |
Authors: | 姚麗英 Yao, Li-Ying |
Contributors: | 秦夢群 姚麗英 Yao, Li-Ying |
Keywords: | 校長道德領導 教師組織公民行為 學校效能 高中校長 校長領導 principals’ moral leadership teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior school effectiveness high school principal principals’ leadership |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-12-06 09:21:26 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 本研究旨在探討並驗證桃竹苗四縣市高中校長道德領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能之關係。本研究採用調查研究法。研究者使用研究工具「高中校長道德領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能關係之調查問卷」蒐集資料。以桃竹苗四縣市高中教師為研究對象,對56所高中共發出問卷1121份,問卷回收955份,回收率85.20%,其中有效問卷947份,問卷可用率84.47%。本研究以描述性統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關、逐步多元迴歸及結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)等統計方法進行現況分析,考驗各變項間之差異、相關、預測力及結構方程模式的關係,驗證其因果關係的適配度探究其中介狀況,並檢定各項研究假設。 本研究獲得的主要結論如下: 一、高中教師知覺校長道德領導屬高程度,其中以「德行修為」最高,「公平正義」最低。 二、高中教師知覺組織公民行為屬中高程度,以「利他人行為」最高,「工作投入與奉獻」最低。 三、高中教師知覺學校效能屬中高程度,以「行政運作與績效」最高,以「學生學習與表現」最低。 四、不同教師性別、年齡、職務、學校屬性、校齡及學校規模之教師對高中校長道德領導的整體及部分層面知覺有顯著差異,以男性、年齡51歲以上、兼任主任職務、私立高中、校齡「41-60年」、規模「21班-48班」學校之教師知覺程度較高。 五、不同教師學歷、職務、學校地區、學校屬性、校齡及學校規模之教師對教師組織公民行為的整體及部分層面知覺有顯著差異,以學士、專任教師、新竹市高中、私立高中、校齡「41-60年」、規模「49班以上」學校之教師知覺程度較高。 六、不同教師性別、學校地區、學校屬性、校齡及學校規模之教師對學校效能的整體及部分層面知覺有顯著差異,以男性、新竹市高中、私立高中、校齡「21-40年」、規模「49班以上」學校之教師知覺程度較高。 七、高中校長道德領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能三者間有顯著正相關。 八、高中校長道德領導與教師組織公民行為對學校效能有顯著預測力,其中以「利組織行為」最能預測學校效能。 九、高中教師知覺校長道德領導、教師組織公民行為與學校效能整體結構方程模式具有可接受的適配度。 十、校長道德領導先透過教師組織公民行為的中介過程對學校效能的整體影響效果更佳。 最後,針對上述研究結果,提出相關建議以作為教育主管機關、學校經營者、高中教師及未來研究者之參考。 This study aimed to investigate and verify the relationship between principals` moral leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, and school effectiveness in 4 cities/counties high school in northern Taiwan (include:Taoyuan city、Hsinchu city、Hsinchu county & Miaoli county).Survey research was conducted in this study. “high school principals’ moral leadership, teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior, and school effectiveness Questionnaire” was used as the study tool. In our study, the teachers of 56 high schools in the 4 cities/counties in southern Taiwan were participants. There were 1121 questionnaires used. Totally 955 copies of formal questionnaire were collected. The questionnaires response rate was 85.2%, 947 questionnaires were available, and the availability of questionnaires was 84.47%. The data of questionnaires was analysis by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation , stepwise multiple regression and structural equation Modeling(SEM). The statistical analysis was used to understand the current situation, variables differences, correlation, structural equation model of relationships and predictive power , the SEM is used to evaluate whether the collected data meets the theoretical model proposed by this study and explore the mediating effect. Based on this research reaches the following conclusions: 1. The degree of the awareness of “principals’ moral leadership” among the high school teachers in the 4 cities/counties is high, and the “moral cultivation” is the highest, the “justice and fairness” is the lowest. 2. The degree of the awareness of “teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior” among the high school teachers in the 4 cities/counties is above average, and the “altruistic to help others” is the highest, the “work commitment and dedication” is the lowest. 3. The degree of the awareness of “school effectiveness” among the high school teachers in the 4 cities/counties is above average, and the “administrative performance” is the highest, the “student learning and performance” is the lowest. 4. Significant differences were found on high school principals’ moral leadership by different gender, ages, teacher position, school attributes, school history and school scale. The teachers that are male, above 51 years old, serving concurrently as administrators of school affairs, and school property as private high school, school age 41-60 years, school scales 21-48 classes had higher perceptions. 5. Significant differences were found on teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior by different educational background, teacher position, school area, school attributes, school history and school scale. The teachers that are bachelor educated, serving as full-time, and school located in Hsinchu city districts, school property as private high school, school age 41-60 years, school scales greater than 49-classes had higher perceptions. 6. Significant differences were found on school effectiveness by different gender, school area, school attributes, school history and school scale. The teachers that are male, and school located in Hsinchu city districts, school property as private high school, school age 21-40 years, school scales greater than 49-classes had higher perceptions. 7. Between" high school principals’ moral leadership "," teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior ", and "school effectiveness" were significantly positive correlation. 8. Principals’ moral leadership and teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior is significantly predictable to school effectiveness, and the "Favorable organizational behavior" facets in teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior can best predict the school effectiveness. 9. The fitness of the model that principal’s moral leadership enhances the effectiveness of schools through teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior was verified. 10. Teachers’ organizational citizenship behavior have mediating effect between principals’ moral leadership and school effectiveness. According to our conclusions, suggestions are given to the education authorities, school managers, high school teachers and future researchers. |
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Description: | 博士 國立政治大學 教育學系 104152506 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104152506 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901246 |
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