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    Title: 非圖資學士學位館員圖書館工作適應行為之相關研究:以政大圖檔所數位在職專班畢業生為例
    A study on the non-BLIS l ibrarians’ work adjustment:A case study of the MLIS graduates from NCCU
    Authors: 林玉真
    Lin, Yu-Zhen
    Contributors: 邱炯友
    Chiu, Jeong-Yeou
    Lin, Yu-Zhen
    Keywords: 非圖資學士學位館員
    Work adjustment
    Job satisfaction
    Work values
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-11-06 15:33:04 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究採用質性研究之訪談法,研究對象共8位。Non-BLIS指Non Bachelor of Library and Information Studies 縮寫,意指非圖書館和資訊研究學士學位。MLIS為Master of Library and Information Science縮寫,指的是圖書資訊學碩士。本研究對象以工作場域在圖書館,學士教育背景非圖書館資訊學之館員,進行畢業後之工作適應之因素探討。以瞭解非圖資學士學位之館員透過該專班的專業課程之畢業後的工作適應情況、影響因素與歷程之改變。研究結果如下:
    7.該專班畢業生透過論文研究,解決職場問題,進而提升工作職場之正面價值 。
    This qualitative research study interviews eight librarians who work in the library but without Bachelor`s Degree in Library and Information Science. Non-BLIS refers to the abbreviation of Non-Bachelor of Library and Information Studies, meaning a bachelor`s degree in non-library and information research. MLIS is the abbreviation of the Master of Library and Information Science, which refers to the master of library and information studies. The main purpose of this research aims to discuss these non-LIS librarians’ conditions, factors and changing process of their work adjustments after graduation from E-learning Master Program of Library and Information Studies of NCCU. Data analysis results are as follows:
    1. Most of these graduates have higher job satisfaction. The influential factors are "job content", "organizational culture", "work pressure", “the relationship between supervisors, subordinates and coworkers" and "work environment" the only factor of low job satisfaction is "work pay". It can be seen not only that most of the respondents have the flexibility to tolerate the inconsistence with the individual needs and with their work pay but also that they can self-regulate their maladjustment at work.
    2. Most of these graduates interact and communicate very well with their coworkers. The intrinsic and extrinsic satisfaction under the most significant impact on the work value is "altruism". It shows that they have good relationship with their supervisors and coworkers and they expressed a sense of accomplishment from readers’ positive feedback on their service.
    3. Most of these graduates get high work demands, good work efficiency and high tolerance for work environment. The influential personality types are "high agility", "work on steady beat " and "good stamina".
    4. A long-term work experience can not only enhance these graduates’ professional skills but also improve their work adjustments, but it cannot prove their professionalism and may cause their lack of confidence.
    5. After the graduates of the special class have experienced professional education, their professional knowledge can significantly improve their professionalism and help to improve their work adaptability.
    6. The study found that these graduates of the special class who have college education background such as education, literature and design show their strong adaptability to the workplace. These university disciplines can help improve these graduates’ work professionalism after graduation from the library and information studies. It shows complementary effects and helps to enhance the librarian`s work ability.
    7. These graduates solve their workplace problems through research papers and thus enhance the positive value of the workplace.
    According to the research results, the researcher proposes suggestions on the non-LIS librarians’ work adjustments, the library authorities, the E-learning program and its future.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105913012
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901235
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