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    Title: 韓國文化導向型都市再生研究 -全州市韓屋村為例-
    The research on culture-led urban regeneration in Korea - a case study of Jeonju hanok village-
    Authors: 周妮嵐
    Contributors: 郭秋雯
    Keywords: 韓國
    Urban regeneration
    Culture-led urban regeneration
    Hanok Village
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-11-06 15:30:08 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 都市,是一個會隨著時空背景的變化而發生、成長、衰退、沒落的有機體。近年來,受現代化與全球化之影響,社會變動越來越快,都市的平均壽命週期也因而變得越來越短。因此,為了延長都市的壽命,使之不至於因跟不上過快的環境變化而被淘汰、甚至消失,學界對都市的永續經營發展做了許多的研究和努力。在1990年後被提出的都市再生(Urban Regeneration)概念,因其強調結合物理、社會、經濟、文化等各層面資源、以多元綜觀性視角對都市進行再造的概念,有效解決了都市更新(Urban Renewal)常因欠缺考慮當地文化或風俗民情而失敗的問題,因此成為了目前最多國家採用的都市經營手法。其中,尤其是以文化資源為重點的文化導向型都市再生,因能有效協助發展都市特色、打造都市品牌,因此近年來更是備受各國所重視。
    A city is a changing organism that evolves, grows, declines or decays over time. Nowadays, the average life cycle of a city has become shorter and shorter due to the impact of modernization and globalization. In order to achieve sustainable developments, the academia has been conducting research on prolonging urban lives in order to prevent them from being eliminated by urban environmental impacts. There were a lot of failures when it came to urban expansion as local cultures and customs were often neglected. Therefore, in the late 19th century, a concept called Urban Regeneration was introduced to reconstruct cities through the use of multiple aspects such as physics, society, economy and culture. It has become the most popular method to manage cities among many countries. Moreover, culture-led Urban Regeneration has been addressed lately as it helps to create city brands and develop city characteristics more efficiently.
    Recently, some local governments in Taiwan have attempted to reconstruct the decaying areas through culture-led Urban Regeneration. However, chaos and disagreements have occurred as there have not been any express provisions as a reference. In contrast to the situation in Taiwan, the South Korean government started Urban Regeneration projects around the year 2000 and has continued to achieve productive outcomes because of their willingness to continually upgrade related laws and policies. Numerous areas have benefited from Urban Regeneration and are again thriving. Accordingly, this research will originate from the backgrounds, structures, operation modes and current situations of the South Korean Urban Regeneration program, and it will be used to analyze the successful, culture-led South Korean Urban Regeneration projects. It is aimed to provide thorough and valuable information for future references.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105557004
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901210
    Appears in Collections:[韓國語文學系] 學位論文

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