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    Title: 協作的⾏動性與城市空間實踐:以WeMo Scooter共享電動機⾞為例
    Exploration of the Emergence of Collaborative Mobility and Urban Spatial Practices: WeMo Scooter As An Example
    Authors: 劉倚帆
    Liu, Yi-Fan
    Contributors: 王淑美
    Wang, Su-Mei
    Liu, Yi-Fan
    Keywords: 城市空間
    urban space
    mobile media
    collaborative mobility
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:43:09 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 媒介研究領域已有豐富成果指出,智慧型手機在促成人際溝通之時,亦促成個人空間經驗變化。本文認為,進入行動時代後,智慧型手機應用範圍已不再僅作為人際溝通之用,在物聯網發展趨勢下,智慧型手機可與其他日常物件連動,逐漸廣泛地介入日常生活,成為個人進行日常活動所仰賴的終端管理裝置。因此智慧型手機所帶來的城市空間變動已不只在個人經驗層次,社會空間生成的物質向度亦因其介入而產生改動。
    本文以智慧型手機與電動機車連動共構的WeMo Scooter共享機車為例,試圖理解這個需由媒介中介的行動性體系如何構成,及其介入城市空間生成的過程。循「空間轉向」(the spatial turn)思潮,本文首先指出城市空間乃是物質實體與社會關係的共構產物,且城市空間處於持續生成的動態過程中;在此認識基礎上,本文進一步援引「行動性典範」(mobilities paradigm)以掌握行動性體系的構成要素,並說明行動性體系如同城市空間皆處在持續生成的動態過程中,且兩者相互影響各自生成。
    在前述基礎上,本文認為行動性體系與行動媒介兩者皆可視為「社會—技術—文化」共構產物,據此,本文進一步說明在日常生活逐漸朝向編碼化的進程中,行動性體系(電動機車)與行動媒介(智慧型手機)的彼此接合共構出了新型態的行動性體系,本文將其定義為「協作行動性」(collaborative mobility),其乃促成媒介實踐與移動實踐無法二分的技術系統,並由此介入城市空間的生成。
    由於行動性典範並未深論媒介實踐環節,同時媒介實踐研究領域中亦缺乏與移動實踐相關的討論,本文認為,以WeMo Scooter共享機車服務為例探索本文所提出的協作行動性之構成,不僅有助於理解行動時代中的城市空間生成過程,亦可在理論層次上為行動性研究與媒介研究兩個領域做出研究視野上的延伸與補充。
    Numerous media studies have argued that people’s temporal–spatial experiences can be modified and transformed through human-to-human communication using mobile media. However, human interaction is not the only function that mobile media has in the mobile era. Today, mobile media devices such as smartphones can be involved in human–machine and machine–machine interactions, making the Internet of Things (IoT) possible. This new style of communication may transform urban space as well as people’s temporal–spatial experiences in an entirely new fashion.

    To study this new style of communication and new temporal-spatial experiences, the mobilities paradigm is insufficient and media studies lack discussion of movement. Therefore, this study is an interdisciplinary attempt to fill these research gaps.

    This study focused on the example of WeMo Scooter, which connects smartphones and electric scooters and makes them work together, and explored how this mediated mobility system is assembled as well as how it embeds itself in and transforms people’s everyday lives; furthermore, this study explored the becoming process of urban space.

    According to the spatial turn, an intellectual movement founded by Henri Lefebvre, (urban) space is a set of social relations and forms between things, and it is always in the process of becoming. In the mobilities paradigm inherited from the spatial turn movement, mobility systems are also always in the process of becoming. Furthermore, because mobility systems must occupy social space and self-adjust in accordance with spatialities, social space and mobility systems affect each other during their becoming processes.

    Based on this premise, I attempted to redefine mediated mobility systems such as WeMo Scooter as “collaborative mobility,” treating this as a social–technical–cultural assemblage. Thus, I analyzed how smartphones and scooters are assembled socially, technically, and culturally to form a new style of mobility system. Furthermore, I analyzed how it is involved in the becoming process of urban space.

    Urban space becomes continuously through the operation of collaborative mobility, and collaborative mobility is affected by urban space at the same time. Moreover, collaborative mobility operates through media practice and movement practice simultaneously, which are inseparable. In this process, collaborative mobility not only reflects a contemporary governance formation called “smartmentality” but also creates new cultural formations, such as new hybrid subjectivity and new surveillance.
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