題名: | 獨長者的諾亞方舟 The Director’s Notes on the Interactive Documentary Project “Noah’s Ark of Solitary Elders” |
作者: | 洪敏真 Hung, Min-Chen |
貢獻者: | 王亞維 Wang, Yae-Wei 洪敏真 Hung, Min-Chen |
關鍵詞: | 網路互動型紀錄片 集體記憶 社區拆遷 獨居 老人 生命故事 interactive documentary collective memory community demolition living alone elders life story |
日期: | 2019 |
上傳時間: | 2019-09-05 17:41:36 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 「獨長者的諾亞方舟」網路互動型紀錄片,拍攝範疇為台北市文山區安康社區,拍攝對象為住在安康平宅的五位長者,筆者分別將五位長輩的生命經驗,包括歷經越南戰爭、顛沛流離逃難來台的華僑奶奶;歷經文化大革命,人生與唱戲為伍,後轉到礦工場擔任主管的河南奶奶;家人與自身飽受毛澤東迫害的反共義士的雲南爺爺;一生漂泊,四處為家,當人幫傭、年老以掃街謀生的北投奶奶;為掙錢過上好生活,嫁來台灣,現仰賴台灣老人醫療福利的廣州奶奶。以長輩的生命故出發,分別製作五支八至十分鐘的短篇紀錄片。 「獨長者的諾亞方舟」網路互動型紀錄片網站上,放置安康社區的地圖動畫影片、社區建物照片、社區背景資訊等聲音、影像、動畫等多媒體素材,盼網站不僅是安康人追朔、回憶家的地方,更能分享安康社區的生活步調,呈現不同族群在同樣生活空間,激盪多元豐富、精采有趣的生活態度與包容和諧。 安康社區共十排連棟式四層樓建物的平價住宅中,現已剷除六排,預計三年內將全數夷為平地,改建為興隆公共住宅二期二區與興隆公宅三期,屆時「獨長者的諾亞方舟」網路互動型紀錄片網站,將更具歷史建物與集體記憶保存之意義,也供更多人交流、回饋分享在安康的那時、此事,作為連結彼此的另一扇窗。 “Noah’s Ark of Solitary Elders” interactive documentary took place in Ankang Community, Wenshan District, Taipei City. Over a thousand low income households were gathered by the city government when it’s founded in 1975. “Noah’s Ark of Solitary Elders” focuses on five old people’s life experience before and after living in Ankang. Some shared there lives of being a refugee after Vietnam war, some told the past she served as a housekeeper and a cleaner in different cities in her entire life, some came up with the era persecuted by the founders of the Communist Party of China, Mao Zedong, some relied on Taiwan’s complete health insurance system who does not want to go back to her hometown, some revealed how much she misses her husband who had passed away few years ago. “Noah’s Ark of Solitary Elders” captured five old people’s story into a 8-10 minute documentary each. All five films are uploaded to a website with photos, images, natural sound, map animation clip and other information related to the community. The website aims to show the diversity of residents who have gone through varies of experience and all called Ankang Community as their home, which is now being demolished and will turn into public housings by 2025. It collaborated memories of the elders and residents who have come and go in this community, showing the resilience of human being. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 1054640231 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1054640231 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901072 |
顯示於類別: | [傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程] 學位論文
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