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Title: | 政治人物社群媒體展演與群眾回覆 A study of politician’s online self-presentation and audience’s responses on social media |
Authors: | 簡娉亭 Chien, Ping-Ting |
Contributors: | 陳憶寧 Chen, Yi-Ning 簡娉亭 Chien, Ping-Ting |
Keywords: | Facebook Instagram 社群媒體展演 柯文哲 理性溝通 網路聲量 Big data Facebook Instagram Ko Wen-Je Rational communication Social media performance |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 17:38:54 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 社群媒體平台如今已成為政治人物重要的展演場所,亦掀起一股研究熱潮。從過去的研究可發現關於社群媒體的競選活動可區分為兩大方向:首先,研究大多針對同一社群媒體平台的不同政治人物作為研究主題,卻缺乏同一政治人物跨平台展演的研究,探討政治人物如何於不同特性的社群媒體平台展演;其次,從社群媒體中觀看政治人物貼文底下群眾的互動程度,研究發現政治人物幾乎很少在自己的社群媒體貼文下以「留言」的方式與群眾對話,但是其宣傳卻往往可以掀起群眾討論,而群眾於不同社群媒體平台底下的討論情形為何值得進一步探究。因此本研究以政治人物柯文哲的Facebook與Instagram為研究對象,擬採取內容分析與文本分析法,檢視不同社群媒體平台的展演內容與風格,以及群眾在不同社群媒體中的網路聲量與理性溝通情形。研究結果顯示,Facebook釋出內容較多屬於公關與媒體訊息,風格上以市長語氣、正式場合及激情訴求居多,Instagram釋出內容則以個人形象呈現為主,風格上以柯P語氣、正式場合及幽默訴求為主;群眾回覆的部分,Facebook以公關與媒體訊息得到較多的回應,風格上以其他語氣發言、非正式場合、悲傷訴求得到較多關注,Instagram以公關與媒體訊息得到較多的回應,風格上則以柯P語氣、正式場合、悲傷訴求得到較多關注,兩平台底下的回覆討論相互參照情形較少,理性溝通仍尚未全面。 Social media platforms were increasingly used as presentation of politicians. From past studies, election campaigns on social media can be divided into two main strands. The first strand is concerned with the comparison of different candidates on the same platforms, while cross-media presentation of politicians has seldom been discussed. The second strand looks at the level of interaction with audience in social media campaigns. It is worth noting that audience usually reply differently to different content. Therefore, this research uses the candidate Ko Wen-Je as the case study, and adapts content analysis and textual analysis methods to discuss the different strategies of impression management on Facebook and Instagram and how audience reply to different posts. Results show that Facebook releases more public promotion content and presents higher percentage of the Mayor’s tone, professional/political context and enthusiasm appeals in the posts. Instagram releases more personal image content, and shows the Internet Influencer’s tone, personal/ private context and humor appeals style. An analysis of the audience’s responses shows that the audience on Facebook reacts more actively to the public promotion content, and the style of election team member’s tone, personal/ private context and sadness appeals respectively. The audience on Instagram also reacts more actively to the public promotion content, but replies more actively to the style of Internet Influencer’s tone, professional/political context and sadness appeals respectively. Besides, audience’s comments under both platforms seldom refer different opinion which shows that rational communication is not fully developed yet. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 105464055 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105464055 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900670 |
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