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    Title: 紅色供應鏈及中美貿易戰對台灣半導體之影響—以台積電為例
    The impact of Red Supply Chain and US-China Trade War on Taiwan semiconductors: Taking TSMC as an example
    Authors: 蕭恩喬
    Hsiao, En-Chiao
    Contributors: 洪叔民
    Horng, Shwu-Min
    Hsiao, En-Chiao
    Keywords: 台積電
    Semiconductor Industry
    US-China trade war
    Red supply chain
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:37:31 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 「半導體產業」是現今科技世界中不可或缺的一環,從現有的智慧型手機、筆記型電腦,到未來趨勢的擴增實境、3D成像、物聯網、穿戴式裝置、無人駕駛等等新科技皆是需要仰賴半導體的發展。近幾年由於中美貿易戰及紅色供應鏈的緣故,半導體產業開始有些變動,台灣身為全球數一數二的半導體王國,不得不正視此兩議題帶來的影響,故本研究旨在使用五力分析及採用部分PEST模型以探討台灣晶圓代工產業龍頭台積電於上述所提及的雙重影響下的變動,並同步分析中國IC製造業龍頭中芯國際,對兩者進行比較。


    "Semiconductor Industry" is an indispensable part nowadays. Many products including smartphones, notebooks, the future of AR, 3D imaging, IoT, wearable devices, cannot be produced without IC components. Any kinds of new technology all rely on the development of semiconductors. In the recent two years, the US-China trade war and the development of red supply chain lead to some changes in the semiconductor industry which is the key industry in Taiwan. Therefore, we have to face the impact of two international issues mentioned above. This study uses five-force analysis and partial PEST model to explore the changes in TSMC, Taiwan`s foundry industry leader, under the dual impacts mentioned above while simultaneously analyze China`s IC manufacturing leader SMIC.
    In five-force analysis, TSMC`s market share exceeds 50% of the global market, and its irreplaceability is extremely high. This study believes that only potential competitor force possesses minacity. The most likely potential competitor defined in this paper is the red supply chain. However, due to the lack of capacity in China, there is still a large domestic demand gap needing filling. In addition, the lack of China’s technological development capabilities make its semiconductor development hindered, so this study believes that this threat may not cause significant damage to TSMC in recent years.
    On the other hand, TSMC set up a factory in Nanjing in 2018 to supply China’s domestic demand. However, the US government’s ban to Huawei led to a downward trend in the utilization of Nanjing’s plant capacity, which definitely affected the profitability of TSMC.
    Under this dual causes, this study suggests that TSMC`s profit may be degraded in the short term. However, its prospects for the future are quite promising, because the advent of the 5C, research on autonomous driving, and high-performance computing all need the support of semiconductor and TSMC is far ahead of other competitors in term of technological development. In addition, TSMC may also enter the memory IC manufacturing market, currently considered as the emerging industry in the future. If it develops properly, it will make the revenue even more impressive.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1063630701
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900891
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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