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    Title: 傳統零售通路之數位化轉型-以個案公司R為例
    Digital Transformation in Physical Channels-A Case Study of R Corporation
    Authors: 胡雅馨
    Hu, Ya-Hsing
    Contributors: 管康彥
    Kuan, Wellington K
    Hu, Ya-Hsing
    Keywords: 數位化轉型
    Digital transformation
    Digital transformation strategy
    Traditional channels
    Physical channels
    Value chain analysis
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:33:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,科技進步迅速,轉變了過往的工作環境以及勞動資源條件,其中物流業的發達更使得開店門檻急速下降,讓傳統零售通路的消費人流持續減少,增加了營運之壓力。種種內憂外患促使傳統零售業者們著重探討如何應用新科技、透過數位化轉型使得企業經營更有效率,同時又能順應新零售與全通路時代消費者需求的更迭,以抓住消費者的動向。
    In these few years, technologies achieved a massive progress. Since it changed a lot in the working environment and resources, the threshold of starting a new store became lower. Under the circumstances, numbers of customers from traditional retail channels getting lower as well, and the pressure of operation getting higher. These changes pushed traditional retailors considering about applying new technologies and improving efficiency of business operation through digital transforming in order to fulfill requirements of new retailing and Omni-channel from consumers.
    After rigorous literature review, this research uses case study method to explore how to set goals of transforming, prioritizing the transforming strategies with value chain analysis in the digital transforming process of traditional retailing channels. Besides, this research investigates how to improve operation efficiency and core competency via referring successful digital transforming strategies of competitors in Europe, America, China and Taiwan.
    This research discovers that the purpose of digital transforming is solving problems in business operation. Through value chain analysis, companies should understand the reason of adopting those technologies, rather than just involving some technologies without considering the true values in the business. After all, adopting those technologies could only attract some customers in a short term. Under digital transformation, the most important thing is traditional retailers should reconsider their positions in the market and problems in the operation process before combining digital technologies to maximize benefits and provide services to customers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104363069
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900939
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