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Title: | 由動態競爭觀點檢視電競電腦廠商於網路傳播之競爭性行為-以華碩、微星為例 Applying Competitive Dynamics to Analyze Competitive Behavior of E-sports Computer Companies on the Internet Communications: The Case Study of ASUS, MSI |
Authors: | 葉宇婕 Ye, Yu-Jie |
Contributors: | 許牧彥 Hsu, Mu-Yen 葉宇婕 Ye, Yu-Jie |
Keywords: | 動態競爭 網路傳播 競爭性行為 回應落差 察覺-動機-能耐觀點 competitive dynamics Internet Communications competitive behavior response lag awareness-motivation-capability perspective |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 17:31:21 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 根據市調機構Newzoo 2018年全球電競產業的研究報告統計,全球電競市場2018年的產值達到9.06億美元,成長率高達38%,顯示出電競產業的發展潛能。觀察全球前五大的電腦品牌廠,聯想、戴爾、惠普、宏碁及華碩都有推出電競專用的電腦以及周邊產品。而隨著網路的發達,網路傳播可以讓消費者迅速地得到想要蒐集的資訊,也可以讓消費者隨時透過網路傳達自己的言論意見。對於電競電腦廠商而言,他們需要投入更多的資源在網路資訊的處理以及網路媒體的經營,並以網路曝光的方式行銷產品。網路已經成為新興的競爭領域。 因此本研究將研究的場域聚焦在網路上,並以動態競爭之觀點以及網路傳播內容的分析法來探討台灣的電競電腦硬體供應商-華碩、微星在網路傳播層面上彼此的競爭性行為,以及消費者於網路論壇的反應;進而了解網路傳播對於廠商發動競爭性行為的影響。 本研究的結果驗證了Chen(1992)所指出之具有高度執行條件的競爭性行動,會減少競爭性回應的數目、增加回應的落差,以及Chen & MacMillan(1992)對於不可逆轉性較高的行動會使防禦者較不容易採取回應的研究。本研究建議廠商的競爭策略不要只是緊盯著競爭者的行動與回應,而應該藉由網路與消費者建立直接的互動關係,使得廠商更為快速地得到消費者的回饋,並領先競爭者來回應消費者的需求。 According to the research report of the global e-sports industry of Newzoo 2018, the global e-sports market reached 906 million US dollars in 2018, with a growth rate of 38%, showing the development potential of the e-sports industry. The top five computer company in the world, Lenovo, Dell, Hewlett-Packard, Acer and Asus all have launched e-sports computer. Meanwhile, with the development of the Internet, consumers can gather more information from Internet and communicate their opinions through the Internet. Therefore, computer companies need to invest more resources in the processing of network information and the operation of online media. Internet had become the new battlefield of computer companies. The research field of this study focus on the Internet communication, and analyzes the competitive behaviors of Taiwan`s computer companies, ASUS and MSI from the perspective of competitive dynamic, then verifies these competitive behaviors with consumer’s response on the online forum. The findings of this study validate Chen (1992)’s and Chen & MacMillan (1992)`s arguments—1. The competitive actions with high execution conditions, reduces the number of competitive responses, increases the lag in response. 2. Actions with higher irreversibility make the defender less likely to respond. It is further suggested that firms should not focus on the actions or responds of competitors only, but should establish the direct interaction with consumers through internet communication which will enable firms get feedback from consumers more quickly and get competitive advantage over their competitors. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 106364138 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1063641381 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900974 |
Appears in Collections: | [科技管理與智慧財產研究所] 學位論文
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