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Title: | NPE與台灣廠商的動態競爭-以台灣半導體產業為例 The analysis of NPE and Taiwan Operating Company from AMC perspective of Competitive Dynamics - The case of Taiwan Semiconductor Industry |
Authors: | 黃泓淥 Huang, Hung-Lu |
Contributors: | 許牧彥 Hsu, Mu-Yen 黃泓淥 Huang, Hung-Lu |
Keywords: | 專利訴訟 非專利實施體(NPEs) 動態競爭 Patent Litigation Non-Practicing Entities(NPEs) Competitive Dynamics |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 17:29:50 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 從2013年到2017年以來,非專利實施事業體(Non-Practicing entities, NPEs)已經收購超過2880件與半導體有關的美國專利,並提出超過兩萬多件侵權專利訴訟,甚至在2014年NPEs讓從事半導體相關營運公司付出了法律費用包含律師費或授權費等法律成本估計約122億美元,逐漸威脅整個半導體供應鏈包括整合元件製造商、設計商到封裝測試供應商。台灣身為半導體產業大國,在產業鏈上IC設計商就高達兩百多家,產值為全球排名第二,僅次於美國。持續受到NPEs的恐嚇與攻擊之下,台灣廠商需額外投入更多資源與資金在專利侵權訴訟的成本上,造成廠商研發與創新之路受到阻礙。 本研究首先以NPEs攻擊台灣半導體廠商的案例作為研究的範圍,並以台廠被控次數最多的聯發科技公司為代表,進一步分析發現該NPE與聯發科競爭對手博通(Broadcom)有合作關係,因此本研究針對該NPE與博通之間合作模式進行深入的個案研究。為了解讀訴訟事件始末的脈絡,本研究透過動態競爭理論加以解釋,並以察覺-動機-能力(AMC)架構探討兩者之間如何串連雙方資源與優勢攻擊聯發科。本研究發現,在產品市場上博通進行專利轉移行動時,假以他手發起訴訟活動,降低聯發科的察覺性,減少被反訴的風險。在專利授權市場中,NPEs訴訟時機會等待聯發科同時有多件訴訟案繁忙在身,且會控訴下游客戶來增加議價能力,而聯發科在產品市場上要付出相當成本才能改良迴避,但產品卻已是從成熟期進入衰退期之時。 本研究之貢獻在於發現非專利實施實體的營運模式與訴訟時機會隨當時的情境來調整不同的訴訟策略。另一方面,本文也發現動態競爭理論可以透過三方不同的視角,為彼此之間的攻防策略刻畫出更深的輪廓,讓台灣半導體廠商能提早警覺NPEs的行動,加以防範。 Through 2013 to 2017, Non-Practicing Entities (NPEs) had been acquiring more than 2880 US patetents related to semiconductor industry and filing more than twenty thousand cases of infringement litigation as well. What’s more is NPEs had semiconductor companies pay approximately 12.2 billion dollars singly in 2014 for legal expense include lawyer fee, settlement fee and license fee, which gradually posed a huge degree of threats to semiconductor companies in the supply chain such as IDM, IC fabless design house, and assembly and testing house. As a leading country in the scope of semiconduction industry, Taiwan possesses as many as two hundred fabless design houses which gain a great amount of revenue and rank number 2 in the world, second only to US. As a result of being heavily attacted and threatened by NPEs, Taiwan operating companies are forced to input more resources to defend themselves and increase the cost of patent litigation in the end, by which the innovation of research and development in the industry is hindered. In the beginning of the study is the action by NPEs attacking Taiwanese semiconductor companies as a wide range of research scope. MediaTek, which is being attacked the most is chosen to be a focal firm in the study, and furthermore the article analyzes the cooperation model of the NPE and Broadcom Inc.(Broadcom) from the perspective of competitive dynamics. To understand the context of the patent litigation, Awareness-Motivation-Capability (AMC) framework interprets how the NPE and Broadcom utilize and combine their resources and advantages to take action against MediaTek. It is found in this article that the purpose of Broadcom to transfer their patents to Cherokee (NPE) so as to file a suit by assignee is to decrease the risk of counterclaims. On the other hand, Cherokee (NPE) took advantage of a perfect time when MediaTek was busy dealing with lots of patent litigations at the same time. Cherokee, in the meanwhile, filed the same patent litigation against MediaTek’s customers as a part of business strategy. The contribution of the study is the observation of both of the product company and NPEs collaboratively establishing an operating model in a different way when facing different lawsuit scenarios. Based on the AMC structure of competitive dynamics, the study provides a whole new different perspective of a three-sided view of focal firm, NPEs, and third-party operating company to aquire more of their strategies as defenders and attackers, which can alert Twainese semiconductor companies to take precautionary measures in case of any action of NPEs and competitors. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 科技管理與智慧財產研究所 106364120 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106364120 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900951 |
Appears in Collections: | [Graduate Institute of TIPM] Theses
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