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    Title: 以社會資本觀點探討自造者空間營運之研究
    The study of managing of Makerspace: social capital perspective
    Authors: 洪培琪
    Hung, Pei-Chi
    Contributors: 溫肇東
    Hung, Pei-Chi
    Keywords: 自造者
    Maker Movement
    Social capital
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:28:58 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,自造者空間被視作培育創新能量的「第三空間」,不僅容納了自造 者文化的內涵,更在與社群互動的過程中逐漸發展出不同的樣貌。然而面對政府 推動以尋求產業創新出口及大眾媒體正面積極的催化之下,自造者空間雖被大量 建置,卻也在定義模糊、資源分散的局限下,面臨空間存續的挑戰。
    本研究欲探討的是自造者空間存續期間,於空間及社群互動的過程中社會資 本的形成與累積,並藉此重新定義自造者空間存續所產生的價值。本研究採個案 研究法,選擇台灣三個代表性的自造者空間:OpenLab Taipei、MakerBar Taipei 及 FabLab Taipei 作為研究個案。於描述自造者空間之創建脈絡及觀察自造者空 間社群營運模式的過程中,自造者空間各層次與社會資本構面相互影響的面貌, 並探討自造者空間面臨時代挑戰的存續問題。
    研究結果發現,因社群需求而創建的物理化空間對於自造者空間社群文化的 養成及社會資本的積累是相當重要的孵化器,然而維持實體空間的存續並非空間 經營者的首要目標,能夠藉由實體空間的存在蘊積出得已隨著個體或社群移動的 社會資本含量,方為能夠持續於多元領域創造能量的關鍵因素,亦是自造者空間 所存在的價值。
    Makerspace has been widely discussed in recent years as a “Third place”, where the energy of innovation has been cultivated, not only contains the maker culture but also develops the various appearances in the interacting process with the community. However, affected by government policy of industrial innovation and the catalytic effect of mass media, even though the number of makerspaces has been growing rapidly over the past decade, many makerspaces still face the challenge of survival that caused by the limitations of imprecise definition and scattering of resources.
    The purpose of this study was to investigate the formation and accumulation of social capital in the interactive process of space and community, meanwhile, redefine the value of the existence of makerspace. This study applies case study method, choosing three representative makerspaces in Taiwan: “OpenLab Taipei”, “MakerBar Taipei”, and “FabLab Taipei” as research targets. In the case study, in addition to describe the context of starting a makerspace and the community management in the space, try to observe how the gradations of makerspace and the facets of social capital interact with each other. At the same time, look into the challenges of survival problem that makerspaces are trapped with during these days.
    The results of the study revealed that physical space can be regarded as a significant incubator of maker culture and the accumulation of social capital; Nevertheless, the sustainability of makerspace is not the primary goal of makerspace operator, instead, the accumulation of social capital that can move with individuals and communities is the key point of capability to create energy in multiple fields in the future, and which is the value of the existence of makerspace.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0102364136
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901006
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