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    Title: 負資源轉換:瀨戶內海島嶼之隨創過程
    Conversion of Negative Resource: Bricolage Process within the Urban Regeneration of Setouchi`s Islands
    Authors: 陳煥宏
    Chen, Huan-Hung
    Contributors: 蕭瑞麟
    Hsiao, Ruey-Lin
    Chen, Huan-Hung
    Keywords: 地域創生
    urban regeneration
    opportunity recognition
    cognitive shift
    resource conversion
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:28:32 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 組織的興起與衰敗類似一種生命循環。這樣的歷程似乎也體現在城市發展中。城市面臨衰退階段時,會衝擊居民生活,導致城市的沒落與滅亡。位於偏鄉的城市更是脆弱,創生過程會遇到頑固的抵抗、資源的匱乏、制約的束縛。本研究探討城市如何面對這些制約,並克服資源的限制,發展出地域創生的方案。本文以隨創的資源轉換為視角,分析偏鄉城市如何能突破資源有限的困境,讓城市得以找到重生機會。本研究強調於拓展隨創理論而探討三項「轉換」的做法:就地取材中如何找到轉機、將就著用中如何能夠轉念、資源重組前如何轉換資源價值。本研究追蹤日本「瀨戶內海藝術祭」在三個小島的發展過程,分析制約下如何重新辨識在地「負資源」、動員外部資源與「負資源」結合以及資源轉換意義與價值的作法。本研究點出,地域創生不只是推出藝術行銷方案那麼簡單,更重要的是理解其隨創作法,以便能於劣勢中捉住時機,改變頑固思維,並於制約下轉換資源性質。如此,城市於創生時就不會盲目地抄襲他人的「最佳實務」,而是能因地制宜地運用隨創觀念。於是,城市可飄逸轉身,使城市展現出個性化風貌。
    The rise and fall of organization always follow a circle of life. This journey also reflects the development of cities. When cities are decaying, they affect the life of citizens and expediting cities’ deterioration. The suburban cities are even more vulnerable; its regeneration will face stuborn resistance, shortage of resources and bounded by constraints. This research explores how suburban cities confront these constraints and overcome resource limitation while developing solutions to urban regeneration. This thesis employs the lens of bricolage and focuses on resource conversion in order to analyze suburban cities breakthrough resource scarcity and identify opportunities for urban reborn. This research aims to expand bricolage theory through three approaches to ‘conversion’: recognizing opportunity while making use of resource at hand; cognition shift while making-do with limited resources; converting the value of resources while recombingin them. This case study traces Setouchi Art Festival in Japan so as to analyze opportunity recognition, cognitive shift and resource conversion. This research describes not merely regeneration process but also analyzes bricolage through opportunity, cognition and resource. It indicates that urban regeneration should not be equated with marketing events packaged with art festivals, it is more important to appreciate bricolage practice in order to seize window of opportunity, reshape persistent mindset and convert the quality of resource within constraints. In so doing, urgan regeneration will not avoid replicating the ‘best practices’ and may exercise bricolage by adapting to local conditions. As such, cities may turnaround elegantly and illustrate its colorful personality.
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    Description: 博士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0100359501
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901003
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