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    Title: 虛擬實境介面設計之研究
    Research on virtual reality interface design
    Authors: 張鈺佳
    Chang, Yu-Chia
    Contributors: 余能豪

    Yu, Neng-Hao
    Chen, Yi-Hsiu

    Chang, Yu-Chia
    Keywords: 虛擬實境
    Virtual Reality
    User Experience
    Interface Design
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:27:20 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來,以頭載顯示器(HMD)為主的虛擬實境技術逐漸成熟並為市場帶來新的熱潮。然而,目前各個主力開發廠商除輸出方式皆採以頭戴式裝置顯示外,輸入方法與互動設計皆有相當的差異,對於跨平台開發者與使用者而言易造成困擾與混淆,導致學習門檻提高,影響內容開發效率與虛擬實境之易用性。有鑑於此,本研究之目的在於解決VR設計者未有一致規範之問題,藉由評估各家VR現有設計原則與互動案例來擬定一套具泛用性的VR互動設計指南。同時,利用分析之設計規範,架設VR互動設計指南網站供國內外之內容開發者查詢與檢索以期未來提供給VR內容製作者、開發人員參考與應用,創造友善易用的虛擬實境應用服務,提昇用戶體驗。
    本研究自人因設計要素(ergonomic issues)、既有介面原則之文獻探討出發,依據此理論基礎分析應用案例、統整相關設計模式。接著利用結果發現將VR介面分為螢幕導向介面(Screen-based UI)與物件導向介面(Object-based UI)兩大類,並將介面組成解構為空間配置(position)與互動(interaction)兩項設計環節,其中互動包含召喚(summoning)、瀏覽(browsing)與選擇(selection)與其對應的回饋(feedback)。最後,以此為基底將原則、設計模式依據情境、目的收納進此分類體系,發展專屬VR介面的互動設計指南,說明對應的設計原則與建議。
    In recent years, virtual reality has opened a world of possibilities by creating the sensation of being entirely transported into a three-dimensional virtual world. However, except hardware devices, design principles and input methods of VR still have great variety between VR companies, which make difficulty and confusion for users and developers to use and decrease the accessibility of VR. As a result, this paper aims to propose a complete VR design guideline to help designers planning interfaces better in the virtual world by reviewing existing interfaces. The guideline contains the principles and design patterns about how to make the best possible experiences for users. Beyond that, based on the design guideline, a VR guideline website is published for developers and designers.
    This paper begins by providing a literature review of the design principles and patterns in terms of ergonomic issues and input method on virtual reality. Next, consolidating valuable design pattern from existing applications. Detailed design of virtual reality interfaces presents along with a proposed taxonomy: Screen-based UI and Object-based UI, which categories from the perspective of context, purpose, and vital elements of interfaces found in case studies.
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    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1054620083
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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901075
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