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    Title: 韓國觀光景點的敘事模式-以北村韓屋村為例
    The Storytelling of Korean Tourism Destination : A Case of Bukchon Hanok Village
    Authors: 賴怡璇
    Lai, I-Xuan
    Contributors: 郭秋雯
    Lai, I-Xuan
    Keywords: 觀光景點敘事
    Storytelling of Korean Tourism Destination
    Bukchon Hanok Village
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 17:18:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 故事具有喚醒與蘊含人類情感記憶的功能,扮演了人類生活中不可缺的情感寄託慰藉的重要工具。一個好的故事,引發人們的好奇心,吸引人們的視線,同時賦予觀光景點新的面貌與生命力、定位景點的角色個性、獨特地做出差異化、在觀光客心目中區別,成為獨一無二。若將觀光資源喻為市場商品,敘事行銷可提供商品更高層次的價值。
    Stories could awaken and imply emotional memories of human beings which play a significant role in comforting indispensable emotions in human life. A great story would inspire people’s curiosity and attracts people`s attention. Meanwhile, it could give a new look and vitality to the sightseeing spots, uniquely differentiates the characters, uniquely differentiates them, and differentiates them in the eyes of tourists. If we consider touristic resources to be market products, story marketing could provide higher value of products.

    ‘Storytelling’ is a marketing method using tales into tourism industry which core concept is the interaction between spots and tourists. Through the narrative of the attractions, two-way communication, together to create an emotional system shared by tourists, attractions, and even local residents, to create new value of sightseeing spots.

    The following essay is going to describe the theory and background of storytelling in South Korea and evaluate the mode of it by using systematic organization of narrative concepts and examines the narratives of sightseeing spots in Bukchon area, and applies them to the narrative mode of sightseeing spots for analysis and discussion.
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    中文 (依住音符號順序)

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    서울한옥포털: http://hanok.seoul.go.kr/front/index.do
    중앙일보: https://news.joins.com/article/22718068
    韓國觀光公社: https://big5chinese.visitkorea.or.kr/cht/ATT/3_2_view.jsp?cid=565571
    聯合新聞網: https://udn.com/news/story/7238/3626427
    大數聚: https://group.dailyview.tw/article/detail/14
    新新聞: https://www.new7.com.tw/NewsView.aspx?t=04&i=TXT20170705171835XLQ
    VISIT SEOUL.NET: http://korean.visitseoul.net/index
    MyMKC.com: https://mymkc.com/article/content/22974
    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105557005
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900938
    Appears in Collections:[韓國語文學系] 學位論文

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