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Title: | 後備幹部內外在動機對協力國軍人才招募工作績效之研究-以新北市為例 A Study of the ROC’s Reserve Military Counselor’s Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation on Military Recruitment Performance:A Case Study on New Taipei City |
Authors: | 黃教昇 Huang, Chiao-Sheng |
Contributors: | 董祥開 Dong, Hsiang-Kai 黃教昇 Huang, Chiao-Sheng |
Keywords: | 後備幹部 國軍人才招募 內外在動機 重要性績效分析 Reserve Military Counselor Military Recruitment Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Importance Performance Analysis |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 17:15:49 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 因應現代戰爭型態的改變,推行「募兵制」為我國最具必要性及複雜性的軍事改革,其中國軍人才招募成功與否,更是堅實戰力的關鍵因素,若能以服過兵役且具服務熱忱的「後備幹部」來協助國軍人才招募工作,更容易找到合適的優質青年加入國軍,而以志願服務為導向的「後備幹部」對於協力國軍人才招募的內外在動機是否會影響工作績效呢?對於目前相關的政策作法的重要性績效感受為何呢?未來是否有創新激勵措施能提升工作績效呢? 本研究以新北市後備幹部為研究對象,結果發現具有高度內外在動機的後備幹部在協力國軍人才招募會有比較高的工作績效,普遍認為具有此項工作的「價值認同」與「自我成長」的內在動機因素以及「獎勵表揚、升遷管道、金錢獎酬及聲譽地位」的外在動機,較能激勵後備幹部在協力國軍人才招募的工作績效。另藉由個人背景分析以「已婚、學歷較高」及「公教人員與退休或無業」的後備幹部在協力招募工作有比較好的工作績效表現,建議可以納入未來甄選後備幹部的選員考量。 針對後備幹部對於目前輔導組織協力國軍人才招募工作政策的實際感受,以重要性績效分析結果顯示:後備幹部對於「政策作法推行、招募工作訓練、現況及現行激勵成效」均表示高度的重要性與滿意度,而最需優先改進的項目是輔導組織協力國軍人才招募的具體作法,其次為平時的招募工作訓練以及現行內外在動機的激勵成效;另外本研究提出的「獎勵機制、積分獎勵、表揚型式、職務升遷以及高低的金錢獎勵」等創新措施都具可行性與效果,而最具可行性及效果的作法為「獎勵機制、積分獎勵及表揚型式」等3項激勵方式。 In response to changing patterns of modern warfare, the implementation of "enlistment" and the need for military reform is the most complex issue facing the ROC’s military recruitment strategy. The success of recruiting ROC military personnel is a key factor in strong combat power. With the service of "Reserve Military Counselors" to assist the recruitment of military personnel, it is easier to find suitable high-quality young people to join the military. Whether "Reserve Military Counselors" join through voluntary service-oriented will be determined by both internal and external motivations of the recruiting military personnel. What is the perceived effect of current relevant policy practices? Are there any innovative incentives in the future that can improve performance? This study used the reserve military counselors of New Taipei City as the subject of research. The study found that reserve military counselors with high internal and external motivations had higher work performance in the recruitment of talent to the co-national army. It is generally believed that the “value recognition” and “self-growth” of this work are considered. Intrinsic motivational factors and extrinsic motivational factors like " recognition awards, promotion pipeline, reward money and reputation status" are more likely to motivate reserve cadres to work on talent recruitment. Another analysis of the subjects’ personal backgrounds revealed that reserve cadres who are "married, highly educated" and "unemployed or retired civil servants and teachers” have better work performance with collaborative recruitment work. It is proposed that they can be included in the selection of future members of the reserve cadres considerations. In view of the perspectives on the current cooperation of recruitment organizations and the military’s recruitment policy, the results analyzing the effect on work performance showed that reserve cadres are highly important to "policy implementation practices, recruitment training, status and effectiveness of existing incentives." Both indicate a high degree of importance and satisfaction. The projects most in need of improvement is the specific method of coaching the organization to recruit talent to the national army, followed by the usual recruitment work training and the incentive effect of the current internal and external motivations. Additionally, the innovative measures proposed by this study, such as “reward mechanism, job promotion, and high and low monetary rewards”, are both feasible and effective. The most feasible and effective methods are three incentives—namely, “reward mechanisms, point rewards and recognition models”. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 行政管理碩士學程 106921099 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106921099 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900617 |
Appears in Collections: | [行政管理碩士學程(MEPA)] 學位論文
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