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    Title: 台灣現代化印記和集體記憶:以台灣動畫電影《幸福路上》為例
    On Taiwanese Animated Film On the Happiness Road: Modernization Traces and Collective Memory of Taiwan
    Authors: 衣桂瑜
    Yi, Guei-Yu
    Contributors: 陳儒修
    Chen, Ru-Shou
    Yi, Guei-Yu
    Keywords: 幸福路上
    On the Happiness Road
    Collective memory
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 16:39:23 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以2018年台灣本土動畫《幸福路上》為研究文本,《幸福路上》藉由女主角林淑琪的成長過程,帶領觀眾感受台灣近40年來的時代變遷,透過一張張手繪動畫,重新紀錄身為台灣人都曾有過的共同記憶。


    This research aims to study Taiwanese animated film On the Happiness Road. The film On the Happiness Road brings the audience back to the past 40 years in Taiwan through the growth of Lin Shu-chi. It represented the collective memory of Taiwanese by hand-drawn animation.

    Based on the development of modern Taiwanese society, this study explores the complex relationship between Taiwanese animated films and social changes in Taiwan. In addition to an overview of Taiwanese historical and cultural backgrounds, it discussed how the director uses animation to construct and represent Taiwan’s modernization and democratization process after martial law. And it analyzed how the film reflects the collective memory of the Taiwanese audience.

    This research analyzed On the Happiness Road in textual analysis and semiology in different socio-cultural themes, such as education under Martial Law, democratization after Martial Law lifted, post-Cold War influence on Taiwan, gender, class, and ethnicity. This thesis hopes to point out the collective memory presented by the director and the significant historical and cultural experience in Taiwan.
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