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Title: | 區塊鏈跨鏈互操作性研究:以R3 Corda與以太坊為例 Cross-Chain Interoperability Study: The Case of R3 Corda and Ethereum |
Authors: | 吳宇晨 Wu, Yu-Chen |
Contributors: | 陳恭 Chen, Kung 吳宇晨 Wu, Yu-Chen |
Keywords: | 區塊鏈 跨鏈技術 跨鏈互操作性 blockchain cross-chain technology cross-chain interoperability |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-09-05 16:15:29 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 區塊鏈(Blockchain)是源自虛擬貨幣比特幣(Bitcoin)的底層技術,提供比特幣儲存與管理交易帳本的功能。它透過現代密碼學方法與分散式系統技術,提供不完全信任的多方,能共同管理共享資料(如交易帳本)的機制。這種集體參與並共同維護資料的方式,一改傳統單一中心機構掌控資料的模式,開啟了許多新型態應用的可能性,故成為各界矚目的新興科技。 在現今區塊鏈之多元與快速蓬勃發展下,如何讓不同區塊鏈間的資料能夠流通已成為實務應用上必須面對問題。因此,多個區塊鏈間資料交換技術(簡稱跨鏈技術)的探討與發展,是當前重要研究課題。跨鏈技術最重要的目標在於確保資料的正確性,其需具有判斷資料是否正確且來自所要之區塊鏈的驗證能力。故區塊鏈間之跨鏈的相容性與互操作性的實務應用之探討與實驗,是當前刻不容緩的課題。 本研究主要目標為透過參考相關文獻,就跨鏈互操作性在實務上的可能作法進行研究與探討,訂出跨鏈互操作的示範應用情境,使用不同的實作方法於Corda區塊鏈與以太坊區塊鏈平台,開發實驗程式進行跨鏈技術的探討與實驗測試,以進一步評估不同技術的優缺點,利於後續實務應用發展的需求之參考。 The Blockchain is a low-layer technology derived from Bitcoin, which provides storage and management of transaction books to Bitcoin. It is a mechanism for sharing shared data (such as transaction books) to parties that is not fully trusted by using modern cryptography and decentralized system technology. This kind of collective participation and joint maintenance of information has changed the mode of traditional single-center institutions to control data, opening up the possibility of many new-type applications, and it has become an emerging technology that attracts attention from all walks of life. With the diversity and rapid development of today`s blockchains, how to circulate data between different blockchains has become a pratical problem. Therefore, the discussion and development of multiple blockchain data exchange technology (referred to as cross-chain technology) is an important research topic at present. The most important goal of cross-chain technology is to ensure the correctness of the data. It needs to have the ability to judge whether the data is correct and from the required blockchain. Therefore, the discussion and experiment of the cross-chain compatibility and interoperability between blockchains is an urgent task. The main objective of this thesis is to discuss the possibility of cross-chain interoperability by studying related literatures, and define the application secnarios of it. Moreover, we use three methods to implement cross-chain program in both Corda and Ethereum platform. In the end, we evaluate the pros and cons of methods to facilitate the following research. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 106753036 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106753036 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901093 |
Appears in Collections: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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