題名: | 利用卷積式注意力機制語言模型為影片生成鋼琴樂曲 InverseMV: Composing Piano Scores with a Convolutional Video-Music Transformer |
作者: | 林鑫彤 Lin, Chin-Tung |
貢獻者: | 沈錳坤 Shan, Man-Kwan 林鑫彤 Lin, Chin-Tung |
關鍵詞: | 為影片生成音樂 音樂生成 卷積式注意力機制模型 生成鋼琴譜 影片配樂 Video-Music Transformer VMT InverseMV VMT Model Convolutional Video-Music Transformer |
日期: | 2019 |
上傳時間: | 2019-09-05 16:14:39 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 近年手機鏡頭的技術趨向成熟,加上如Facebook、Instagram等社群網站的興起,使用者可輕易用手機拍出高品質的照片及影片並分享到網路上。一個高流量的影片往往有著與之搭配的音樂,而一般人並非專業的配樂師,受限於音樂素材的收集和敏銳度,在影片配樂的挑選上時常遇到困難。影片的配樂上使用現成的音樂會受限於版權的問題,因此在影片配樂上使用音樂的自動生成將成為一個新的研究趨勢。 隨著近年類神經網路(Neural Network, NN)蓬勃的發展,有許多研究開始嘗試使用類神經網路模型來生成符號音樂(symbolic music),但據我們所知目前並未有人嘗試為影片生成音樂。在缺乏現成dataset的情況下,我們人工收集並標記一個pop music的dataset來做為我們模型的訓練資料。基於注意力機制模型(Transformer)在自然語言處理(Natural Language Processing, NLP)問題上的成功,而符號音樂的生成與語言生成也有著異曲同工之處,本研究提出一個為影片自動生成配樂的模型VMT(Video-Music Transformer),輸入影片的frame sequence來生成對應的符號鋼琴音樂(symbolic piano music)。我們在實驗結果也得到VMT模型相對於序列模型(sequence to sequence model)在音樂流暢度和影片匹配度上有較好的結果。 With the wide popularity of social media including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. and the modernization of mobile photography, users on social media tend to watch and send videos rather than text. People want their video with a high click-through rate. However, such video requires great editing skill and perfect matching music, which are very difficult for common people. On top of that, people creating soundtrack suffer from the lack of ownership of musical pieces. The music generated from a model instead of existing music conduces to preventing from breaching copyright. The rise of deep learning brought out much work using a model based on the neural network to generate symbolic music. However, to the best of our knowledge, there is no work trying to compose music for video and no dataset with paired video and music. Therefore, we release a new dataset composed of over 7 hours of piano scores with fine alignment between pop music videos and midi files. We propose a model VMT(Video-Music Transformer) that generates piano scores from video frames, and then evaluate our model with seq2seq and obtain better music smooth and relevance of video. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 資訊科學系 105753023 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105753023 |
資料類型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901153 |
顯示於類別: | [資訊科學系] 學位論文
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