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    Title: 台灣市場網紅媒合智能推薦平台差異化策略之研究
    Research on the Differentiation Strategy of Intelligent Influencer Matching Platform in Taiwan Market
    Authors: 鍾嘉玲
    Chung, Chia-Ling
    Contributors: 詹文男
    Chung, Chia-Ling
    Keywords: 網紅行銷
    Influencer Marketing
    Influencer matching
    Intelligent influencer matching platform
    Marketing Technology
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:50:33 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 無論國內外市場,網紅行銷仍然是非常年輕的產業,且因為行銷科技的涉入,讓產業逐步朝向正規化、系統化的方向發展。從2018年開始,台灣市場陸續出現許多網紅媒合平台,並且深受行銷市場和廣告媒體產業的矚目。本研究著重於探討台灣市場網紅媒合智能推薦平台的差異化,主要研究問題包括:1. 台灣市場現有網紅媒合推薦平台分類與概況;2. 網紅媒合智能推薦平台的差異化策略,及其對既有網紅行銷生態系的影響。

    Regardless of the domestic and international markets, influencer marketing is still a very young industry. Thanks to the involvement of marketing technology, the industry is gradually moving towards a more normal and systematic direction. Since 2018, there have been many influencer matching platforms in the market, and they have successfully attracted the attention from the advertisers and the online marketing industry. This research focuses on the differentiation strategy of the intelligent influencer matching platform in Taiwan market. The main research issues include: 1. Classification and overview of the existing influencer matching platforms in Taiwan market; 2. Understanding the differentiation strategy of the intelligent influencer matching platforms and their impact on the existing influencer marketing ecosystem.

    The research found that, the so-called platform emphasizes not a single linear trading method, but allows each individual to be a "supplier" or a "demander" in the platform. If we look at the current influencer matching platforms in the market, you can find that most of the platforms still focus on a single pipeline operation, not a platform. Although there are differences between platforms, the transfer cost of users between platforms is not high. Advertiser and their agencies are in urgent need of scientific and data-based services, but the habit of using “self-severed” platform has not yet been developed. Based on the current marketing demand for data, the transparent platform can reduce the bilateral information gap, and can also give appropriate positioning for the value of each link in the influencer marketing. Moreover, the launch of the influencer matching platform has also blurred the upstream and downstream relationships in the industrial ecosystem, which may be competitors, but may also be important partners. Besides that, in other markets, they have also found that some influencers are trying to use black technology to fake grow their fanbase and engagement rate, the corresponding technologies and solutions have also been developed to deal with that. In Taiwan, most of marketers have not noticed such issues, but it is still worthy of close observation by industry participants in the future.
    Reference: 中文部分

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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932009
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900743
    Appears in Collections:[Executive Master of Business Administration] Theses

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