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    Title: 室內設計產業之社群行銷經營模式研究
    Research on Business Model of Social Marketing of Interior Design
    Authors: 房元凱
    Fang, Iuan-Kai
    Contributors: 季延平
    Fang, Iuan-Kai
    Keywords: 室內設計
    interior design
    social media
    social media markekting
    content marketing
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:50:18 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 台灣室內設計產業發展史至今已超過半個世紀(台北市室內設計裝修商業同
    業公會 1969 年創立;社團法人中華民國室內設計協會 1979 年創立)。即便如此,在資訊科 技發展日新月異的今日,絕大部分室內設計產業的行銷管理並未與時俱進,而將數位 行銷各型態加以整合完善其行銷策略的設計公司更為鮮見。本研究透過 目前同業網路社群經營的現象觀察,將室內設計目前的媒體行銷操作分為付費媒體、贏得媒體、自有媒體三大類型並從中採樣,針對其在目前台灣主流的社群網站: Facebook 、 Instagram 、 Youtube 所經營自有媒體的外顯表現與行銷內容加以歸納分析,並配合官方網站的流量與站點鏈結,試圖推斷網路行銷銷售漏斗的顧客體驗路徑。
    本研究以內容式數位社群平台 Facebook 粉絲專頁 為核心,觀察社群中內容行
    銷與粉絲互動關係,並以 Instagram 、 Youtube 情境式數位社群平台為輔,觀察不同平台的社群行銷與相互輔助的社群經營模式。根據本研究,台灣室內設計產業的社群 經營其貼文分享的持續性與頻率穩定性普遍偏低, 內容行銷 則 欠缺顧客價值的信息 型 內容以及可以幫助潛在顧客排除選擇障礙的決策 型 內容,且 三大 自媒平台 的 經營狀況普遍失衡,表示室內設計產業在社群行銷上還有很大的進步空間。
    The history of Taiwan`s interior design industry has been more than half a century
    ago. Even so, in today`s fast changing information technology, most of the marketing
    management of the interior design has not kept pace with the times, and design
    companies that integrate various types of marketing and marketing strategies to
    integrate their marketing strategies are even rarer. This study divides the current media
    marketing operations of interior design into “paid media”, “e arn ed media” and “owned
    media” and the current phenomenon of peer social media marketing operations. And
    from the sampling, for the current mainstream social network sites in Taiwan: Facebook,
    Instagram, Youtube, the performance and marketing content of their own media are
    summarized and analyzed, and in conjunction with the official website traffic and site
    links, trying to infer customers’ experience path for the online marketing sales funnel.
    This study takes the content based digital community platform Facebook fan page as
    the core, observes the interaction between content marketing and fans in the community,
    and supplements the Instagram and Youtube contextual social media platform to observe
    the marketing and the interaction between these platforms.
    According to this study, the content marketing in social media of Taiwan`s interior
    design lacks the information content of customer value and the decision making content
    that can help potential customers to eliminate selection barriers, and the three ty pes of
    self media platforms are generally unbalanced, indicating that interior design industry
    still has a lot of room for improvement in social media marketing. The researcher
    explores the best ways to manage the marketing and marketing strategies of the interior
    design industry, and look forward to providing a better way to discover precisely and
    design industry, and look forward to providing a better way to discover precisely and develop potential customers.develop potential customers.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104932072
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201901170
    Appears in Collections:[經營管理碩士學程EMBA] 學位論文

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