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    Title: 線上評論感知有用性對購買意願的影響
    Online Reviews and Perceived Usefulness on Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior Intention
    Authors: 陳婉約
    Chen, Wan-Yue
    Contributors: 簡睿哲
    Jian, Rui-Zhe
    Chen, Wan-Yue
    Keywords: 線上評論
    Online Review
    Perceived usefulness
    Consumer purchase intention
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-09-05 15:39:39 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 線上資訊搜索正在逐步取代傳統的線下資訊搜索,而線上消費者評論的使用逐漸與人們的日常生活息息相關。消費者在購買過程中不斷向在線消費者尋求幫助,無論是決定口紅色號、度假目的地、理財方式、甚至是向慈善機構捐款,人們都會上網閱讀其他人的意見。線上評論的重要性已經得到越來越多消費者的重視,並且成為購買行為的有機部分。擁有更多線上評論的企業可以為消費者帶來更大的價值,並吸引消費者進入網站。但信息過剩也令消費者產生了新的困擾,增加了購物成本。隨著越來越多消費者線上檢索的使用,信息過載的問題逐漸被人們所注意。互聯網充斥著巨量資料,大量未經過濾的信息直接呈現在消費者面前,使得信息的有用程度充滿不確定性,消費者疲於從中分辨出真正具有價值的內容。
    Online information search is replacing traditional offline information search gradually, and the use of online consumer reviews is increasingly becoming part of people`s daily lives. Consumers continue to seek help from online consumers during the purchase process. Whether it`s a red lipstick, a holiday destination, a financial plan, or even a donation to a charity, people always read other people`s opinions online. The importance of online reviews has been recognized, and companies with more online reviews can bring greater value to consumers and attract consumers to the web site. However, excess information has also brought new problems to consumers and increased the cost of shopping. With the use of more and more people, the problem of information overload has attracted people`s attention gradually. The Internet is full of huge amounts of information. The large amount of unfiltered information is presented to consumers directly, making the usefulness of information full of uncertainty, Consumers are tired of distinguishing truly valuable content.
    Therefore, understanding the online reviews that consumers think is more useful can help to promote the decision-making process, and the economic value is also very important to enterprises. This study will explore the online reviews of what attributes can be of greater help to consumers and have an impact in the final decision-making process.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106351051
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900908
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