题名: | 從韓國文化創意產業之全球化發展策略反思台灣文創意產業的困境研究 The study on the Global Allocation of Korean Cultural Creative Industry |
作者: | 王汝聰 Wang, Ju-Tsung |
贡献者: | 陳清河 Chen, Ching-Ho 王汝聰 Wang, Ju-Tsung |
关键词: | 迪士尼 MTV 數位勞動 注意力經濟 Youtube 韓流 Disney MTV digital labor attention economy Korea K-Pop |
日期: | 2019 |
上传时间: | 2019-09-05 15:37:40 (UTC+8) |
摘要: | 韓國流行文化產業向外輸出造成韓國國家品牌形象提升及實質獲利。韓方在拍攝精心製作的電視劇後,以低廉成本提供全球各地播送,同時輔以運用網路媒體全日免費播送,在創造收視群眾基礎後,韓劇中的配樂主題曲,韓劇劇情主張的道德價值以及生活方式,繼續對外鋪送,促成韓國的電影、綜藝節目、線上遊戲、飲食、服飾、化妝保養品,乃至於韓國國家品牌的價值創造、韓國財閥提供的產品服務,在全球閱聽眾自願點閱收視後,開啟其數位策展行銷的訴求過程,漸漸將文創產業的「閱聽受眾」轉變為「潛在消費者」,協助韓國業者完成獲利歷程。
本研究以政治經濟傳播學「空間化」、「商品化」、「結構化」三個向限,針對韓流如何能夠突破空間隔閡與文化差異、盤整其文化底蘊後化為影視產品,在韓國既有政治經濟文化結構上成功出擊。再者,文化創意產業的全球行銷作為,是最具意圖性的跨文化傳播,本研究透過文獻爬梳以及深度訪談,發現韓國在世宗大王發明推動諺文(韓文文字)之前,韓國官方長期運用中文漢字、浸潤於中華文化,因此素有「小中華」、「朝鮮中華」 等別稱,韓國因為長期躋身列強之間,非常習慣於「文化挪移」,韓方內容產業以其有相當比例的中華文化底蘊,在儒家文化圈獲致了文化親近性,降低甚至避免了文化折扣。
再由於儒家文化具備著王道文化近悅遠來的特徵,同時呼應著「己所不欲、毋施於人」的恕道普世價值,因此能夠在歐美乃至中東等地獲得支持。我國流行文化創意產業在努力向全球輸出之際,更應掌握自身文化多元豐富等特色,做好文化盤點,消弭世代差距,打破「不像小國的小國、不是大國的大國」空間迷思,才能有效形成團隊以及生態系,在全球娛楽及媒體產業競爭舞臺上爭得一席之地。 The Export of K-Pop enhanced the image of Korea and benefited Korea. Through the production of fine-made K-Pop contents and the distribution of them throughout the world via local television networks and also with 7/24 curation via internet, it helped the K-pop accumulate its user base and also built up the fonding and loving of Korean Movie, Korean Comics, Korean Cuisine, Korean Dressing Style and also Korean Cosmetics, which significantly changed people’s attitude toward Korea. Once K-Pop successfully attracted the attention of the audiences from all over the world and built up enough reputation and willingness to accept Korean goods and services, Korean National Brand then can earn from the previuos process and help its enterprises, artists even the single owner of a tiny hostel to benefit from the tourists who were only attracted by the aura of K-Pop culture content.
There are so many studies about how K-Pop succeeded and what’s the essential elements of its success. The value of further K-Pop study can be discovered in three ways.
First , Korea exercised its cultural influences on the other countries with a more peaceful way: It broadcasted its pop culture content via television networks and also through the connection of internet. The perception procedure can be started or terminated anytime or anywhere by anyone. The convenience and affordable cost and especially, the fine quality of the production of K-Pop Content and the peaceful process of transmission, engaged more and more audiences from all over the world voluntarily started the curation->marketing->profit making process designed and deployed by Korea.
Second, the Korean model of boasting K-Pop granted Korea a unique position in the leading group of the global Creative Cultural Content Competition (initial as C.C.C.C) . Once we successfully retrieve and conclude the formula or the essential elements of K-Pop Success, and we successfully apply them to the development of our own C.C.C.C, or other countries do their C.C.C.C likewise. Maybe in the future we can face a brand-new and authentic Globalization ongoing: A through globalization with enrichment of various cultural contents originated from different cultures, other than the proceeding globalization underwent mainly by Americanization or Westernization.
Third, the study discovered during the process of how Korea built up a complete cultural ecosystem and started its C.C.C.C. , Confucianism played an important role. It defined the code of ethics about the people concerned to interact with each other, it also dorminated the production of K-Pop content s.Since Confucianism is Chinese main cultural heritage. If Chinese culture or Confucianism boosted the C.C.C.C of K-Pop? How did it happen? What inspiration can we Chinese Societies get from Korean example?
These subsequent questions enhanced the necessity of tracking study of K-Pop. The gathering of the K-Pop audiences gradually shaped the outline of a new commonwealth:members of the new commonwealth shared similar attitudes toward K-Pop Culture, same values and habits of receiving K-Pop Content, same tendency of travelling to Korea or consuming Korea-made goods and services. In some way, no matter what their birthplace or nationality were, broadly speaking, they like everything concerning Korea in the cyberspace. To a country which desired to enhance its cultural influences throughout the world, the way of K-pop definitely is not the only method or answer, yet the reflection of K-Pop is meaningful and constructive. To a country which constantly gets influenced by foreign creative cultural content, we also need to be awared of the impact of them and try to advocate our own Creative Cultural Content in the stage of globalization and worldwide competition. |
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描述: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院碩士在職專班 103941019 |
資料來源: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0103941019 |
数据类型: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201901025 |
显示于类别: | [傳播學院碩士在職專班] 學位論文
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