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    题名: 遊戲化機制之合作閱讀標註系統對於閱讀理解成效之影響研究
    The effects of collaborative reading annotation with gamification approach on reading comprehension performance
    作者: 高苡晴
    Kao, Yi-Ching
    贡献者: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Kao, Yi-Ching
    关键词: 遊戲化機制
    gamification mechanism
    cooperative reading annotation
    reading comprehension effectiveness
    immersive experience
    reading motivation
    日期: 2019
    上传时间: 2019-08-07 17:22:03 (UTC+8)
    摘要: 由於資訊科技的快速發展,數位閱讀已蔚為潮流,過去已有許多研究證實學習者透過線上閱讀標註進行觀點分享與互動討論來澄清文本意涵,可有效促進閱讀理解成效。此外,過去許多研究指出,透過遊戲化機制輔以學習具有提高沉浸度與激勵學習動機,進而提升學習成效之效,然而若未將學習活動目標與遊戲化機制相對應,則會造成學習者過於沉迷遊戲機制而無法達成學習成效的負面影響。因此,本研究基於「合作閱讀標註系統」設計一套遊戲化機制,將閱讀理解能力及其對應指標納入遊戲化機制的設計之中,以探討學習者採用有無遊戲化機制之「合作閱讀標註系統」輔以閱讀學習,對於閱讀理解成效、標註行為、沉浸體驗與閱讀動機的影響差異。此外,也探討不同性別與國語文能力的學習者採用有無遊戲化機制之「合作閱讀標註系統」輔以閱讀,其閱讀理解成效、標註行為、沉浸體驗與閱讀動機是否具有顯著差異。
    With the rapid development of information technology, digital reading has become a trend. Past research proved that learners preceding prospective sharing and interactive discussion to clarify text meaning through online reading annotation could effectively facilitate the reading comprehension effectiveness. Lots of past studies also indicated that gamification mechanism assisted learning could enhance immersion and encourage learning motivation to further promote learning effectiveness. Nevertheless, learning activity goals not corresponding to gamification mechanisms would result in negative effects of learners indulging in gaming mechanisms and not achieving learning effectiveness. For this reason, a gamification mechanism, based on “cooperative reading annotation system, is designed in this study. By including reading comprehension ability and the correspondent indicators in the gamification mechanism design, it intends to discuss the effect of learners adopting the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism to reading learning on reading comprehension effectiveness, annotation behavior, immersive experience, and reading motivation. Moreover, learners with different gender and Chinese language ability are also discussed the effects of adopting the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism to reading on reading comprehension effectiveness, annotation behavior, immersive experience, and reading motivation.
    The research results are summarized as followings. (1) Learners applying the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism to reading significantly outperform those without gamification mechanism on reading comprehension effectiveness and the reading comprehension ability indicators. (2) Both male and female learners with high and low Chinese language ability adopting the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism to reading remarkably outperform those without gamification mechanism on reading comprehension effectiveness and the reading comprehension ability indicators. (3) Learners utilizing the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism for reading notably outperform those without gamification mechanism on total subject annotation times and total response annotation times. (4) Both male and female learners with high and low Chinese language ability applying the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism significantly outperform those without gamification mechanism on total subject annotation times. (5) Female learners with low Chinese language ability adopting the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism to reading remarkably outperform those without gamification mechanism on total response annotation times. (6) Learners using the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism for reading notably outperform those without gamification mechanism on concentration stage and overall immersive experience. (7) Male learners with high Chinese language ability applying the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism to reading significantly outperform those without gamification mechanism on immersive experience at concentration stage. (8) Learners utilizing the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism for reading remarkably outperform those without gamification mechanism on inner reading motivation, and the challenge and curiosity as well as the social dimensions of outer reading motivation. (9) Male learners adopting the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism to reading notably outperform those without gamification mechanism on inner reading motivation of challenge and involvement performance. (10) Learners with low Chinese language ability using the “cooperative reading annotation system” in gamification mechanism for reading significantly outperform those without gamification mechanism on inner reading motivation of challenge. Based on the research results, suggestions for teachers and reading promotion units as well as several directions for future research are eventually proposed in this study.
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    描述: 碩士
    資料來源: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106913013
    数据类型: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900544
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