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    Title: 大學圖書館館員離職傾向及其與主管領導風格 、館員工作鑲嵌相關研究
    Study on trnover intention for academic librarian and its relationship with leadership style of directive supervisor and job embeddedness in Taiwan
    Authors: 林均憶
    Lin, Chun-Yi
    Contributors: 王梅玲
    Wang, Mei-Ling
    Lin, Chun-Yi
    Keywords: 大學圖書館
    Academic library
    Turnover intention
    Leadership style
    Job embeddedness
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:21:28 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 近年來社會環境的變遷,使得大學圖書館員面對不同於以往的職場環境,也須面臨離職的考量。在企業界的調查顯示有許多人是因為不滿意主管的領導風格而想離職,而大學圖書館員的離職原因何在,且若已有離職念頭是甚麼因素未實際付諸行動。因此,本研究目的在瞭解大學圖書館員的離職傾向與主管領導風格、館員工作鑲嵌的相關性為何。希望藉此研究降低大學圖書館員的流動率,使組織得以發揮效能。
    Recently, the changes in the social environment have made it necessary for academic librarians to face the different workplace environments in the past. Surveys from industry show that many people want to resign because they are dissatisfied with the leadership style of the supervisor. In order to understand the reason of turnover for academic librarians, and what factors have not actually been put into action if there is a turnover idea. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to explore the turnover intention for academic librarians and Its leadership with Leadership style of directive supervisor and job embeddedness in Taiwan. It is hoped that this study will reduce the turnover rate of academic librarians and enable organizations to be effective.
    The research structure is based on the leadership style as the independent variable; the librarian`s turnover intention is the dependent variable; the librarian’s job embeddedness is the moderating variable; the librarian’s personal attribute is the demographic variable. Data for the study come from a questions survey of 1,554 librarians from 127 academic libraries in Taiwan. Results shows: (a) Nearly half of the librarians in the academic library had a turnover intention and personal attributes did affect the librarian`s turnover intention. (b) The leadership style for High-consideration and high-initiating stricture is the majority of supervisors of the academic library`s. If the supervisor is a low-conformity leadership style, it is easy for the librarian to have a turnover intention. (c) Being higher embeddedness between the librarian and the library, the lower the willingness to turnover, and the impact of the turnover intention that was originally caused by dissatisfaction with the leadership behavior. (d) The personal attributes of the librarians have an impact on the leadership style and job embeddedness.
    The following suggestions are made for the research results: (a) The universities should consider the leadership ability when appointing the supervisor; the personnel section should host the relevant courses of leadership knowledge; the private university should offer the staff sufficient welfare, salary and promotion system. (b) The department of library and information of the University should be provided with relevant courses on leadership; the library information related Society can hold leadership skills training and workshops. (c) The supervisor of the university library should enrich the relevant knowledge of its own leadership, attach importance to the relationship with the members, assist the members to improve the degree of linkages with the organization and strengthen the job satisfaction of the librarians.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106913006
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900343
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