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Title: | 女性遊戲實況主臉書粉絲專頁性訴求與自我揭露貼文對互動率之影響──以擬社會互動為中介變項 An exploration of game streamers` fan pages: effects of sexual appeals and self-disclosure posts on engagement rates through parasocial interactions |
Authors: | 陳懷瑜 Chen, Huai-yu |
Contributors: | 張卿卿 Chang, Ching-ching 陳懷瑜 Chen, Huai-yu |
Keywords: | 遊戲實況 臉書 粉絲專頁 自我揭露 性訴求 擬社會互動 Game streaming Facebook Fan pages Sexual appeals Self-disclosure Parasocial interaction |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 17:17:55 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 隨著實況技術使用門檻下降、遊戲產業轉向重視社群經營,遊戲實況產業吸引更多女性加入遊戲行銷行列,並透過經營「臉書粉絲專頁」(Facebook Fan Pages)等社群媒體,發展獨具個人風格的社群經營策略。然而,即便越來越多女性投入遊戲實況產業,且擁有更高的內容產製自主性;「性別」依然是阻礙其事業發展的門檻。因此,本研究聚焦於女性遊戲實況主之社群訊息策略,如何幫助她們在充滿阻礙的遊戲社群中創造經營效益?
研究發現主要有三:首先,在本次分析樣本中,女性遊戲實況主之性訴求程度分布普遍集中於低程度。其次,粉絲專頁來源會影響「性訴求對互動率」之效果,研究結果與過去研究結果不同。最後,本文證實擬社會互動對「自我揭露與互動率」之中介效果。 With the prevalence of social media and streaming technology in the game streaming industry, more and more women have devoted to this industry. However, gaming advertising tends to stereotypes women, and this phenomenon limited female game streamers` career development. Therefore, this study aims to explore how posts` strategies help female game streamers make engagement on social media.
Adopting a hybrid approach to computational text analysis and manual content analysis, this research examines the effects of sexual appeals and self-disclosure posts on engagement rates through parasocial interactions on five-game streamers’ Facebook Fan Pages.
The results revealed that the distribution of sexual mostly arranges in low extent among both textual and image posts. Second, different streamer’ pages matter the effect of sexual appeals on engagement rates. Third, the current study confirms that parasocial interaction is a mediating variable for the effect of self-disclosure on engagement rates. Thus, implications and further directions about the game streaming researches were discussed. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 106464044 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106464044 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900234 |
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