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    Title: 雇主品牌與實習前後組織吸引力─五大人格特質與實習計畫之影響
    Organizational attractiveness of employer brand for interns: the impacts of big-five personality traits and internship program
    Authors: 侯瀞雯
    Hou, Ching-Wen
    Contributors: 黃家齊
    Hou, Ching-Wen
    Keywords: 雇主品牌
    Employer brand
    Big-five personality traits
    Organizational attractiveness
    Learning opportunity
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:13:14 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 人才競爭已成為各企業面臨的挑戰之一,亦即如何有效搜尋到符合企業文化及具備一定知識技能的員工是所有企業重視的,近年則越來越多企業利用實習計畫的方式以找尋潛在人才。過去許多研究皆指出,雇主品牌(employer brand)在內外部人才招募上有著重要的影響力,並且能有效提升組織的吸引力。本研究以實習為招募人才之工具,並以Ambler & Barrow(1996)所提出之雇主品牌三構面(功能性利益、經濟性利益及心理性利益)為核心,分為兩階段探討雇主品牌對組織內、外部吸引力之影響。階段一為針對實習前,探討學生在選擇實習企業時對雇主品牌利益之偏好,同時了解五大人格特質與特定雇主品牌之偏好的關係;階段二為針對實習後,探討實習計畫如何透過學生對特定雇主品牌認知的中介效果,影響組織吸引力認知。另外,比較學生在選擇實習企業時對雇主品牌的偏好和實習期間是否有留任意願及視該企業為未來雇主之關鍵雇主品牌因素。

    Talent competition has become one of the challenges faced by enterprises. That is, how to effectively search for employees who are in line with corporate culture and have certain knowledge and skills is what really matters. In recent years, more and more companies have used internship programs in order to find potential talents. Many studies in the past have pointed out that the employer brand has an important influence on both internal and external recruitment, and can effectively enhance the organizational attractiveness. In this study, it will use internship as a recruitment tool, and focus on three aspects of employer brand (functional benefits, economic benefits, and psychological benefits) proposed by Ambler & Barrow (1996). It will be divided into two stages to explore organizational attractiveness including internal and external affected by employer brand. First stage is before internship, to explore students’ preference of the employer brand when choosing internship company. Simultaneously, to understand the relationship between the big-five personality traits and the preferences of specific employer brand. Second stage is after internship, to explore how the internship program affects the organization`s attractive perception through the mediating effect of students` perceptions toward specific employer brand. Furthermore, to compare students` preference for employer brand when choosing internship company and the key factor of employer brand whether there is any willingness to stay in the company and regard the company as future employers.

    A total of 168 student samples who had internship experiences were collected at last. After doing data analysis, the results indicate that before internship, extraversion with economic benefits, openness to experience with psychological benefits, conscientiousness with functional and economic benefits have significant positive relationship. As for after internship, functional, economic, and psychological benefits have significant positive relationship with organizational attractiveness. Additionally, task identity with functional benefits, feedback with psychological benefits, mentoring with psychological benefits, learning opportunity with functional benefits have significant positive relationship. Last, before and after the internship, students pay the most attention to functional benefits. Secondly, before the internship, the emphasis on psychological benefits is greater than the economic benefits, while during internship period, the economic benefits are greater than psychological benefits.
    Reference: 黃天豪(2013),企業實習計畫之運行與組織吸引力之研究─以雇主品牌為中介變項,國立中山大學人力資源管理研究所未出版碩士論文。

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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900354
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