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    Title: 影響消費者在投資行為上使用金融科技的因素
    Factors Affecting Consumer Adoption of FinTech in Inevstment
    Authors: 游舒晴
    Yu, Shu-Ching
    Contributors: 別蓮蒂
    Yu, Shu-Ching
    Keywords: 金融科技
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:11:34 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 第二波數位革命後,以資通訊為核心的數位匯流,正顛覆金融業數百年來的樣貌,透過網路銀行,人們可以隨時隨地享受金融服務,而隨著人工智慧的突破,理財機器人也有了新的進展,然而,卻有消費者始終抗拒金融科技,其中又以年長者居多,因此,本研究針對45-65歲的消費者,從投資行為的角度切入,探討影響使用金融科技的因素。






    After the second wave of the digital revolution, information and communication engineering has fundamentally transformed the finance industry. For instance, people can now asccess financial services without time and geographical limitations via online banking. Also, AI development enhances the application of Robot-advisors. However, some consumers, especially the Elderly, still refuse to use FinTech. With this in mind, this paper aims to understand the factors affecting consumer adoption of FinTech in their investments, with a main focus on 45-65-year-old consumers.

    The purposes of this research are: 1) to understand how attitudes towards adoption of new information technologies influences consumers’ intention to use FinTech, 2) to identify factors and compare with the existing literature to distinguish which factors remain/differentiate from the literature due to the attributes of FinTech product, 3) to understand the relationship between the research factors and investment behaviors, and 4) to explore consumers’ attitudes towards financial consultants and Robo-advisors to understand the relationship between the research factors and the consumers’ intention to use FinTech. After in-depth interviewing 35 respondents, reviewing the existing literature, and analyzing data with grounded theory, the paper concluded the following findings:

    1. Acceptance of new information technologies is influenced by the factors in a) knowledge and b) persuasion steps, the former which includes need, voluntariness, perceived behavioral control and perceived risk; the later which includes perceived usefulness, compatibility, result demonstrability and image. In addition, mutual influence exists between factors in knowledge and persuasion steps. For example, respondents need to learn how to use new technologies because of job requirements, and compatibility between the technologies makes them learn FinTech easier.

    2. Seven research factors are also sorted, namely alternatives; information; convenience; timeliness; cost saving; risk and the sense of safety and system. Alternatives, information, convenience, timeliness and cost saving are perceived usefulness, in which convenience can be sorted as checking the account at any given time, integration of different system and time-saving. System is classified as perceived ease of use which can be sorted as system stability, system smoothness, difficulty of learning, interface design and changing the passwords regularly. Risk and the sense of safety are the factors in the knowledge step, and an increase in sense of safety can help decrease perceived risk.

    3. There is a positive correlation between risk attitude and the acceptance of new information technologies. In addition, the risk avoiders trade less frequently than the risk seekers do. And then, distinguishing the investment Instruments with the tendency on proxy and the trading frequency, the paper found out that respondents in a lower degree of proxy prefer to trade online in order to avoid the influence from securities specialists, and also by using computers to trade to decrease the risk of privacy. On the other hand, respondents in a high trading frequency prefer to read the financial information needed via large-screen computers.

    4. If the respondents have built a good relationship with financial consultants, they will have a positive attitude towards financial consultants. On the other hand, if the respondents were unsatisfied with their previous consulting experience, they will have a negative attitude towards financial consultants, thus they will be more willing to use Robo-advisor. In addition, respondents in a high degree of proxy are more willing to use Robo-advisor because they are used to receive advice before investment. On the contrary, the respondents in a low degree of proxy invest without any professional suggestion. As a result, they tend not to use Robo-advisor.

    According to the above research results, this paper provides the industry with suggestions about product designing and marketing. In terms of academic contribution, this paper also explores the relationship between factors and explains the factors in more detail through qualitative research.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363017
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900174
    Appears in Collections:[企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程)] 學位論文

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