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    Title: 師父嫉妒因素之探討: 情感性組織承諾之調節效果
    Antecedents of Mentors’ Envy of Protégés: The Moderating Role of Affective Organizational Commitment
    Authors: 葉品揚
    Yeh, Pin-Yang
    Contributors: 胡昌亞
    Yeh, Pin-Yang
    Keywords: 師徒關係
    Perception similarity
    Relative deprivation perception
    Affective organizational commitment
    Malicious envy
    Social comparison theory
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:11:19 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本研究以社會比較理論為基礎,探討師徒關係中之師父知覺表層相似性、知覺深層相似性以及相對剝奪知覺與師父對徒弟惡意嫉妒間之關係,並且探討師父情感性組織承諾是否調節前述關係。本研究蒐集206對師父與徒弟對偶問卷,填答者來自不同產業別,並以階層多元迴歸分析進行假設檢定。分析結果顯示,年齡相似性與性別相似性和師父惡意嫉妒不具顯著之關係;師父知覺深層相似性與師父惡意嫉妒呈顯著正向關係,而師父相對剝奪知覺與師父惡意嫉妒呈顯著正向關係。此外,師父情感性組織承諾僅對師父深層知覺相似性與惡意嫉妒之正向關係具顯著的削弱效果,即當師父具有越高程度之情感性組織承諾,師父知覺深層相似性與師父惡意嫉妒的正向關係越弱。本研究最後依據研究結果,針對理論與管理意涵進行討論。
    Using Social Comparison Theory as the foundation, this study examined the antecedents of mentors’ malicious envy relationship on protégés. The potential antecedents included: surface-level similarity to protégé, perceived deep-level similarity to protégé, relative depravation. In addition, the moderating roles of mentors’ affective organizational commitment on the antecedents and malicious envy were also examined. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted using data collected from 206 mentoring pairs in various industries. Result indicated that mentors’ surface-level similarity has no significant relationship with mentors’ malicious envy. However, mentors’ perceived deep-level similarity to protégés and relative deprivation both positively related to mentor’s malicious envy. Furthermore, mentors’ organizational commitment has a weakening moderating effect on the relation between mentor’s perceived deep-level similarity and mentor’s malicious envy such that the positive relationship was weaker for mentors who are more committed to the origination. The theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed later.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0106363015
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900300
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