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    Title: 性別比例原則、保障平等的制度、與拉丁美洲的婦女參政
    Gender Quota Laws, Egalitarian Institutions, and Women’s Political Representation in Latin America
    Authors: 埃米琳
    Peralta Rojas, Emelyn Winnyfer
    Contributors: 蘇彥斌
    Su, Yen-Pin
    Peralta Rojas, Emelyn Winnyfer
    Keywords: 性別比例原則
    gender quotas
    women’s representation
    lower chamber elections
    Latin America
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 17:06:55 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 目前探討女性政治代表性的文獻,大多探討選舉制度的效果。然而,很少研究考量政治制度對於平等的保障如何影響女性的政治代表性。為了彌補既有文獻的不足,本論文建構一個結合「性別比例原則」與「保障平等的政治制度」的理論,以解釋女性在國會政治代表性的跨國差異。本文以18個拉美國家、跨越1988年至2018年的資料為基礎,利用量化方法對於本文的理論假設進行檢驗。本文的實證研究分析顯示發現,當一國採取性別比例原則,且該國政治制度較能保障平等的情況下,該國女性在下議院的政治代表性愈高。除了量化分析之外,本文亦針對多明尼加進行案例研究,探討該國女權意識的歷史發展,性別比例原則的制定過程,以及性別比例原則對於女性國會代表性的影響。
    Existing work regarding women’s political representation in Latin America have focused on the effect of electoral institutions. Nevertheless, there is little research that takes into account the impact of political institutions that facilitates egalitarianism. This thesis aims to fill the empirical gap by testing a theory based on the interactive effect of gender quota laws and egalitarian institutions. I maintain that the combined effects of gender quota laws and egalitarian political institutions is key in explaining the degree of female representation in the parliament in Latin American countries. Built on data on lower chamber elections in 18 Latin American countries from 1988 to 2018, the analysis empirically conducted proves that in a country that adopts a gender quota law, the level of women’s political representation tends to be much higher when the political institutions of this country are egalitarian. The result is solid and robust through different model specifications and with the two predicting techniques used. In addition, this thesis adopts a case study about women’s political representation in the lower chamber of the Dominican Republic after the adoption of a quota law in 1997, examining the historical background of feminism in the Dominican Republic, how the gender quota law was implemented, and the effectiveness of this mechanism on female political representation in the lower chamber.
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