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    Title: 全球化與安全性兩岸關係的含義
    Globalization and security : implications for Cross-Strait relations
    Authors: 潘大衛
    Prentice, David
    Contributors: 卜道
    David Blundell
    David Prentice
    Keywords: 全球化
    Cross-Strait relations
    Security studies
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:59:57 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: N/A
    This thesis examines the relationship between the globalization process and
    its impact of security, applying its findings to the case of the cross-Strait
    relationship. The cross-Strait relationship can be characterized by a puzzling
    dichotomy of high tensions and the very real danger of military conflict on the
    one hand, and rapid economic integration into broader globalizing trends on
    the other. Although the conflict between the two sides can be seen to have
    stemmed from the Chinese Civil War of the 1940’s, the situation intensified
    during the post-Cold War years in the backdrop of China`s opening up policy
    and Taiwan with its own economic achievements, Taiwan`s democratic
    processes, and the rise of a Taiwanese identity, suggesting the forces of
    globalization were largely at play.
    This thesis argues that the relationship between the globalization process and
    international security are of increasing importance in helping us to better
    understand developments at the international level in general. This thesis will
    apply these findings to focus specifically on the China-Taiwan dilemma,
    examining the effect globalization has had on cross-Strait relations analyzing
    economic globalization as well as other dimensions linked to the globalization
    process such as Taiwan`s democratization, and a rise in Taiwanese national
    Keywords: Globalization, Security, Cross-Strait Relations, Taiwan, China
    Reference: 6. References

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    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900467
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