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    Title: 公務人員核心價值發展與實證分析
    Development and empirical analysis of the core value of public servants
    Authors: 呂欣容
    Lu, Hsin-Jung
    Contributors: 董祥開
    Lu, Hsin-Jung
    Keywords: 公共服務倫理
    Public service ethics
    Core value of public servants
    Ethical value
    Administrative ethics
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:43:17 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 公共服務倫理價值在臺灣政府的官方文件中又被稱作公務人員的核心價值,或是文官核心價值。文官核心價值為道德層次的訓示性規範,可作為公務人員自我角色認同的心智認知及從事公共服務時的行事準則。因此一個公務人員所懷抱的倫理價值將會對其工作表現,甚至對政府運作產生重大影響。本研究由學術、實務與實證三個角度去系統性地了解公共服務倫理。首先學術上梳理了從傳統公共行政至新公共服務時期的倫理價值,採用的是文獻分析法;實務上整理了有關倫理價值的國內外研究、官方文件等,並輔以深度訪談法補足文獻上的不足,更深入了解文官核心價值在臺灣發展的脈絡;最後有別於其他研究,採用大量的次級資料去分析2018年臺灣公務人員認為重要的倫理價值以及影響倫理價值的個人與機關特性。研究發現臺灣人事制度上倫理價值始於新公共管理內涵,再接續新公共服務思潮。相較於十年前,「廉正」的價值已獲得大幅的提升,顯示我國推動相關倫理法規有其成效。再者個人特性中,除了主管職或非主管職的職務變項外,性別、年齡、教育程度、官等,皆會影響公務人員認為重要的倫理價值。機關特性中,業務單位與幕僚單位;公權力管制類、公共服務類、政府內部幕僚類;中央機關與地方機關,也會影響成員倫理價值的選擇。最後,核心價值已納入公務人員的服務誓言中,2018年當以推動「接地氣」為重要的價值,乃屬「關懷」面向之下。文官核心價值經過十年的推動,也逐漸成熟,內化為機關的優質組織文化。
    The ethical value of public service is also called the core value of public servants in the official documents of the Taiwan government, or the core value of civil servants. The core value of public servants can be used as a mental cognition of public servants’ self-identity and the standard for engaging in public services. Therefore, the ethical value of a public servant will impact on his performance and even on government operations. This study systematically explores the public service ethics from three perspectives: academic, practical and empirical. First, in academics, the ethical values from traditional public administration to new public service are integrated, and the literature analysis method is adopted. In practice, domestic and foreign research and official documents on ethical values are compiled, supplemented by in-depth interviews to provide a deeper understanding of the core value of public servants. Finally, a secondary data is used to analyze the ethical values that Taiwan`s public servants consider important in 2018 and the characteristics of individuals and institutions that influence ethical values. The study found that new public management and new public services affect Taiwan`s personnel policy. Ten years later, the value of clean government has been greatly enhanced, which means that the government has successfully promoted relevant ethical policies. Except the change of position, the personal and institutional characteristics will affect the ethical value of public servants. Finally, the ethical value of public service has been written into the vows of public servants. Concern is the most important value to be promoted in 2018. After ten years of promotion, the core value of public servants has become the culture of public institutions.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105256033
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900326
    Appears in Collections:[公共行政學系] 學位論文

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