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    政大機構典藏 > 資訊學院 > 資訊科學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/124872
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    Title: 基於晶格之分散式可控制策略簽章之研究
    A Study on Decentralized Policy-controlled Signatures from Lattice
    Authors: 劉子源
    Liu, Zi-Yuan
    Contributors: 左瑞麟
    Tso, Ray-Lin
    Liu, Zi-Yuan
    Keywords: 可控制策略簽章
    Policy-controlled Signature
    Post-quantum Cryptography
    Date: 2018
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:36:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 可控制策略簽章(Policy-controlled Signature)由 Thorncharoensri等人於ICICS 2009提出,為一個新型態的數位簽章,其性質保證簽名者可以連同屬性對訊息簽名,而只有擁有符合屬性的驗證者可以進行驗證。在原先的論文裡,Thorncharoensri等人提出了基於雙線性配對的架構,並且定義其安全模型。由於量子電腦的發展,未來面對量子電腦的攻擊難以避免,而傳統上可控制策略簽章大多是使用離散對數難問題去證明其安全性,未來可能會遭受到量子電腦攻擊的破解。因此,藉由晶格上之難問題可抗量子攻擊之性質,本論文說明可控制策略簽章可以透過屬性加密架構以及簽名架構達成,因此,採用Bert等人基於環-短整數解難問題之簽名架構以及Rahman等人基於環-錯誤學習難問題之加密架構,提出第一個基於晶格之分散式可控制策略簽章與其安全性證明。特別的是此架構為分散式架構,任何用戶能自行成為認證中心,發送簽名及認證的鑰匙。這論文有兩個主要貢獻:其一為使原始架構成為抗量子攻擊之架構;其二為此架構能避免需要完全信任單一認證中心之問題。
    Policy-controlled signature (PCS) was first introduced by Thorncharoensri \\textit{et al}. at ICICS $2009$. It is a new type of digital signature in which a signer can sign the message with some policies, but only verifiers who have the correct policy credentials can verify the signature. In the pioneering paper, Thorncharoensri \\textit{et al}. proposed a generic construction based on bilinear pairings and defined its security models. With the rapid development of quantum computers, it will be difficult to avoid the quantum attacks in the future. This work shows that the attribute-based encryption and signature scheme can construct the policy-controlled signature scheme. Therefore, assuming that, with this preparation, a lattice could withstand quantum attacks, this work adopts Bert`s signature protocol and Rahman`s encryption protocol to propose the first decentralized PCS based on the lattice. Specifically, it is a decentralized scheme in which any user can become an authority and then issue a signer key or policy credentials. This thesis makes two contributions. On the one hand, it introduces the first policy-controlled signature that is quantum resistant. On the other hand, this new scheme avoids the problem of fully trusting a single certificate authority.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105753036
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900331
    Appears in Collections:[資訊科學系] 學位論文

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