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    Title: 發展「即時觀點比較系統」促進討論歷程中學習者的學習成效
    Developing Instant Perspective Comparison System to Facilitate Learning Performance of Learners in Discussion Process
    Authors: 曹瀚文
    Tsao, Han-Wen
    Contributors: 陳志銘
    Chen, Chih-Ming
    Tsao, Han-Wen
    Keywords: 線上討論
    online discussion
    perspective comparison mechanism
    ego-network analysis
    data visualization
    natural language
    learning behavior process
    socio-scientific issues
    computer-mediated communication ability
    technology acceptance
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:26:11 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 線上討論為數位學習常見的學習活動,過程中可以透過與他人互動交流,獲取更多知識和不同意見想法,提升學習者對於學習議題的認知與批判思考能力。其中,社會性科學議題(Socio-Scientific Issues, SSI)更是討論活動中常見的主題之一,這類議題牽涉層面廣泛、內容複雜且無標準答案,在SSI的討論過程中,學習者的意見發想扮演著相當重要的角色,是影響討論成效的關鍵要素。因此,本研究設計「即時觀點比較系統(Instant Perspective Comparison System, 以下簡稱IPCS)」,希望透過視覺化觀點比較的方式來呈現雙方在意見想法上的異同,以促進討論過程中學習者思考的深度與廣度,提升線上討論學習成效。

    本研究採用準實驗研究,隨機選取台北市某高中二年級兩班共63名學生為研究對象,進行「核能發電」主題之線上討論。其中一班36名學生被隨機分派為採用IPCS輔助線上討論的實驗組,另一班27名學生則被隨機分派為僅使用一般線上討論的控制組,以探討兩組學習者在學習表現與科技接受度上是否具有顯著差異。此外,也以先備知識、電腦中介溝通(Computer-Mediated Communication, CMC)能力作為背景變項,探討不同背景變項之兩組學習者,在學習表現以及科技接受度上是否具有顯著差異。此外,也透過滯後序列分析(Lag Sequential Analysis, LSA)探討實驗組學習者之有效學習行為模式。


    Online discussion, the common learning activity in e-learning, allows acquiring more knowledge and different opinions and ideas through interaction and exchange with others in the process to promote leaners’ cognition of learning issues and critical thinking ability. Socio-scientific issues (SSI) are a commonly discussed issue in the activity. Such issues involve in broad dimensions, show complicated contents, and have no standard answers. In the SSI discussion process, learners’ opinions and ideas play critical roles and are the critical factors in the discussion effectiveness. Accordingly, “Instant Perspective Comparison System (IPCS)” is designed in this study, expecting to present the differences in the opinions and ideas of both parties through visualization perspective comparison in order to facilitate the depth and width of learners’ thinking in the discussion process and promote the learning effectiveness of online discussion.

    With quasi-experimental study, 63 students of two G11 classes in a senior high school in Taipei City are randomly selected for the online discussion about “nuclear power generation”. 36 students of a class are randomly assigned as the experimental group with IPCS assisted online discussion, and 27 students of another class are randomly assigned as the control group with general online discussion to discuss the differences in learning performance and technology acceptance of learners between two groups. Furthermore, prior knowledge and computer-mediated communication (CMC) ability are regarded as the background variables to discuss the differenced in learning performance and technology acceptance of learners between two groups. What is more, lag sequential analysis (LSA) is also used for discussing the effective learning behavior model of learners in the experimental group.
    The research result shows that, in comparison with general online discussion, IPCS assisted online discussion could significantly facilitate leaners’ overall learning performance and sub-item multiple perspectives. IPCS could also promote the learning performance of learners with low CMC ability as well as enhance the complexity of the discussion content so as to more deeply comprehend and understand the discussion issue. In terms of technology acceptance, both groups do not achieve remarkable statistical differences and present generally high technology acceptance. However, learners in the experimental group show higher average scores on technology acceptance than those in the control group, revealing learners’ positive and satisfactory attitudes towards IPCS. According to the qualitative interview data and the behavior analysis in the learning process, functions of multiple calculation and perspective comparison could facilitate the comprehension of discussion content. When a learner is able to focus the thinking on different cutting points of the same issue or review the discussion content after browsing the post information, IPCS would effectively facilitate learners’ learning performance during online discussion.

    Based on the research result, suggestions for the improvement of IPCS teaching and Moodle discussion as well as further research directions are proposed in this study. Overall speaking, discussion learning, natural language processing, social network, and data visualization are combined in this study to develop IPCS for the innovative and effective learning of technology assisted online discussion. It would contribute to facilitating online discussion in e-learning.
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