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Title: | 家族企業繼承對組織變革之影響-以台灣上市公司爲例 The impact of family business succession on organizational change--The case study of Taiwan listed companies |
Authors: | 蔡佳昇 Tsai, Chia-Sheng |
Contributors: | 王文杰 Wang, Wen-Jie 蔡佳昇 Tsai, Chia-Sheng |
Keywords: | 家族企業 接班 繼承 組織變革 公司治理 Family business Succession Organizational change Corporate governance |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-08-07 16:17:37 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 相較於西方企業行之有年的專業經理人制度,家族企業子承父業在東方社會中依然扮演著極為重要的角色。根據台灣董事學會《2017年華人家族企業關鍵報告》台灣家族企業在上市櫃公司佔比高達70%,但只有9%做好了接班準備。同時,筆者看到家族企業成功接班的概率成逐年遞減的趨勢,所以本研究以台灣上市公司U企業為例,透過分析其歷經十年的企業交班過程,拆解上市公司家族企業成功交班的重要因素與關鍵步驟,以及這過程中所帶來的企業組織之相應變革,以求提供給廣大完成企業交班的上市公司家族企業以借鑑。 本研究從家族企業的定義出發,分析家族企業上市公司相較於非上市公司的優勢,強調家族企業上市公司的繼承還是要回歸公司治理的層面,妥善地處理好繼承者與相關當事人間的關係。本研究從企業下一代的繼承意願開始,分析整理出家族企業繼承的步驟、繼承人能力的培養,以及相關無形資產的轉移。企業的繼承不是單純有形的股權與經營權的轉移,更深層次的是,企業接班人能否將企業文化、企業精神、家族文化與企業價值得以延續與發揚光大。並透過政令薰陶形成制度化,帶來整個企業組織變革,以達到永續經營基業長青之目的。 本研究以質性研究中的個案研究法為研究方法,以上市公司U企業為例,依循時間順序重現U企業接班的全過程,以歸納的方式逐步驗證本研究所提出的關於上市公司家族企業在繼承過程中需要注意的步驟及方法的有效性。 影響家族企業順利繼承的因素衆多,再加之每家上市公司家族企業都有著各自的特點,於不同的時空背景下,家族企業的繼承只有操作注意的大原則,沒有統一既定的模式。但是回到公司治理本身,任何操作的最終目的仍以達成企業永續經營為目的。 According to the Critical Report of Chinese Family Business 2017 by Taiwan Institute of Directors, 70% of the listed companies at the Stock-exchange-market and Over-the-counter market are family business. Nevertheless, only nine percent of them have well-prepared for the succession arrangement. Compared with the professional executive manager system in the western enterprise; contrarily, the family business, transferring from up generations to down generations, plays a significant effect in the eastern enterprise. Ironically, this research finds that the successful ratio for the succession in family business has the trend for declining. The purpose for this research is to provide the constructive suggestions for the family business who have not yet well-prepared for the succession. The research adopts Uni-President Corporate as an example, a listed company at Taiwan stock exchange market. Analyzing its more than ten-years succession procedures, demonstrates the important factors, critical steps and organizational change for the succession of the listed family business. The literatures explain the definition of family business, makes comparison between family business and non-family business. Stressing on the factors of succession of the family business, which at least including corporate governess, properly managing the relationship between the successor and the stakeholder etc. The analyzing starts from the willingness of succession of the young generation, itemizing the steps for the family business succession, the training of the successor ability as well as the transferring of relevant intangible assets. The corporate succession is not only the transferring of the tangible assets and management power, but also the transferring of the enterprise culture, spirits, family values as well as the business values. The succession process definitely requires to be institutionalization, which potentially brings the organizational change to reach the fruitful purpose of sustainable development and significant growth. The research method adopts case study method of qualitative research. In according to the time table of succession, the research reviews the whole procedures of its succession. Meanwhile, this research adopts the induction method to verify the previous argumentations of the steps and methods used in the family enterprise succession. There are lots of factors which potentially effect in the succession of the family business. Meanwhile every family business has its unique business model, culture, different background of time and place. The suggestion on the operation of enterprise succession can provide the basic argumentations, the general procedure and model can be varying from case by case. The ultimate purpose is to reach the sustainable growth of the family business succession. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 經營管理碩士學程(EMBA) 105932005 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0105932005 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/NCCU201900353 |
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