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    Title: 壽險業國外投資與外匯風險監理制度之比較研究
    Comparative Study on Foreign Investment and Currency Exchange Exposure Supervision Systems for Life Insurance Industry
    Authors: 吳沛芸
    Wu, Pei-Yun
    Contributors: 林建智
    Wu, Pei-Yun
    Keywords: 壽險業
    Life insurance industry
    Foreign investment
    Currency exchange exposure
    Application of funds
    Insurance regulation
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:14:48 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 我國法規於1992年新增保險法第146條之4,開放保險業將資金運用於國外投資。自從開放國外投資以來,隨著我國壽險業務成長、持有資金增加以及對國外投資的需求日漸上升,我國保險法對於國外投資項目及金額限制的規範亦有放寬的趨勢。然而近年壽險資金運用於國外投資之比率,業已超出可運用資金的68%,甚至成為全球保險業國外投資比重最高者,並有立法委員提出警告並要求強化保險業國外投資匯兌風險的控管。
    Along with the addition of Article 146-4 of the Insurance Act in 1992, the funds of insurance industry in Taiwan was allowed to be allocated to foreign investment. Since then, with the growth of Taiwan`s life insurance industry, the increase in holding funds and the increasing demand for foreign investment, the Insurance Act has a tendency to relieve the regulatory constraints of the types and the amount of foreign investment. However, in recent years, the ratio of life insurance funds applied to foreign investment has exceeded 68% of the available funds, making Taiwan the country with the highest proportion of foreign investment in the global insurance industry. Some legislators have warned and demanded the insurance industry to strengthen the management of currency exchange risk.
    This study finds that the definition of “foreign investment” in Taiwan includes not only the use of funds that involve the geographical risks of cross-border investment, but also the assets that are denominated in foreign currencies, which do not involve the geographical risks. This will lead to overlapping of foreign investment and currency exchange risk supervision in Taiwan`s life insurance industry, and the foreign investment value can not correctly reflect the geographical risk or currency exchange risk faced by the life insurance industry asset allocation.
    This study analyzes the regulations governing the use of life insurance funds in the United States, Japan, and Singapore to understand how they manage and control the foreign investment and currency exchange risk. And compares those regulations with the current relevant regulations in Taiwan, showing the difference regarding the following three aspects: the form of investment regulation, the definition and limitation of foreign investment, and the currency exchange risk management. Finally, this study proposes suggestions to the amendment of Taiwan`s foreign investment and currency exchange risk supervision regulations, including: reconstruct the control methods of foreign investment and foreign exchange risk, limiting the definition of foreign investment to the assets with special risks of cross-border investment, and establish a separate supervision method for currency exchange risk, such as setting the currency exchange risk ceiling.
    Reference: 一、中文文獻
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0104358021
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900207
    Appears in Collections:[Department of Risk Management and Insurance] Theses

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