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    Title: 從消費者觀點探討信任與不信任在共享經濟中的角色:以Airbnb為例
    Discussing the role of trust and distrust in sharing economy from consumer viewpoint: The case of Airbnb
    Authors: 陳彥安
    Chen, Yen-An
    Contributors: 洪為璽

    Hung, Wei-Hsi
    Yang, Jiann-Min

    Chen, Yen-An
    Keywords: 共享經濟
    sharing economy
    relationship commitment
    continued use intention
    Date: 2019
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 16:07:27 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 過去信任相關的研究已經很多,但不信任卻近幾年才開始被討論,且大多還是著重於信任研究。因為過去研究者把信任與不信任視為同一維度的兩端,但近年來發現信任與不信任是兩個不同的概念,反應自不同腦區,且可以同時存在。共享經濟興起後,信任議題已經被探討了幾年,但不信任在共享經濟中的研究目前還未找到一個明確的定位。本研究以Airbnb為例,欲探討出顧客信任和不信任共享經濟平台的前因是否有差異,以及其對關係承諾與持續使用意圖的影響程度是否不同,進而探討原因。
    There were many researchers studied “trust” in the past, but “distrust” only started to be discussed in recent years. Yet, most studies were still focused on “trust”. Trust and distrust were believed to be the opposite ends in the same dimension, but recently trust and distrust were found out to be two different concepts which react in different parts of human brain that could coexist.
    Trust issues were studied in years after the popularization of sharing economy, but there is not yet a clear understanding of distrust. With Airbnb for example, this research want to figure out whether the antecedent of the trust or distrust on sharing economy platform exist differently or not, also figuring out how they influence on relationship commitment and continued use intention.
    In this study, we surveyed people who used Airbnb more than once, and collected a total of 502 questionnaires, including 456 valid questionnaires. The study found that some factors have a significant impact on customers’ trust in intermediary, including familiarity, information protection, ability, benevolence, integrity, and trust. The factors that have a significant impact on customers’ distrust in intermediary are information protection, ability and integrity. Through Two-Factor theory, we found out that the hygiene factors in this situation include information protection, integrity and ability. The motivations are familiarity, information protection, ability, kindness, integrity and trust.
    In addition, the study found that customers` trust in intermediary will not affect continued use intention directly, it will affect it through relationship commitment. Yet, the customer`s distrust in intermediary can directly affect continued use intention. It means that trust and distrust play different roles in the sharing economy.
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