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    政大機構典藏 > 傳播學院 > 廣告學系 > 學位論文 >  Item 140.119/124627
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    Title: 《Recode!政大上河圖》創作研究
    Record! Along the river during The National Cheng-Chi University –The research project of Tseng, Wan-Ting’s creation
    Authors: 曾婉婷
    Tseng, Wan-Ting
    Contributors: 賴建都
    Lai, Chien-Tu
    Tseng, Wan-Ting
    Keywords: 清明上河圖
    Along the River During the Ching-ming Festival
    Participatory Art
    Artistic Field
    Date: 2014
    Issue Date: 2019-08-07 15:48:12 (UTC+8)
    Abstract: 本創作將北宋的《清明上河圖》視為一種創作的類別,取材於自身所生活經歷過的特定「時間(研究所求學時期)」和「空間(政治大學校園環境)」的兩大創作元素,並且運用線下行動裝置掃描QRcode,結合線上社群網站Facebook,創造觀眾的參與和互動。因此,「Recode!政大上河圖」翻轉了作品僅能由原創作者來生產的藝術形式,建立一個新的藝術場域,猶如創作者建立一個系統並開放原始碼,可使觀者藉此超越創作者的想像,在觀看和互動過程中不斷地進行「解碼再製碼(decode+encode)」的動態創作關係,這種參與式藝術的過程,能夠激起更多創作者和觀者們處於同時空環境下的符碼。
    The Tseng, Wan-Ting’s creation regards "Along the River During the Ching-ming Festival." as a type of creation, and based on the two major elements of the "time (Master`s degree in 2 years)" and "space (Cheng-Chi University)" that I have experienced. This creation uses an offline (QRcode) to online (Facebook) model to encourage audiences to participate and interact with this. Therefore, "Recode! Along the river during The National Cheng-Chi University." changed the art form which artworks can only be produced by the original creator and built a new Artistic Field, which just like builds a system and opens the codes, which allows audience to encode and decode during the viewing and interacting process. This process called "Participatory Art" which can produces more codes by the creator and the audiences in a simultaneous environment.
    During the exhibition, the artwork "Along the river during The National Cheng-Chi University." showed 211 people/animal codes, 32 building/object codes, and up to 33 event codes were interpreted and recoded. More importantly, the value and purpose of this artwork are successfully achieved, which is Create an "Along the river during The National Cheng-Chi University." that is recoded by the Creator and the Audience.
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    Description: 碩士
    Source URI: http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1014520121
    Data Type: thesis
    DOI: 10.6814/NCCU201900198
    Appears in Collections:[廣告學系] 學位論文

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