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Title: | 情婦敘家常——PTT第三者板論述分析 Mistresses’ Chitchat about Marriage: A Discourse Analysis on PTT Third-Person Forum |
Authors: | 林薇晨 Lin, Wei-Chen |
Contributors: | 方念萱 Fang, Nien-Hsuan 林薇晨 Lin, Wei-Chen |
Keywords: | 情婦 污名 婚外情 婚家常規 通姦除罪化 論述分析 Mistress Stigma Infidelity Marriage norms Decriminalization of adultery Discourse analysis |
Date: | 2019 |
Issue Date: | 2019-07-01 11:14:58 (UTC+8) |
Abstract: | 基於通姦除罪化尚未完成的台灣社會情境,筆者試圖透過情婦的自述探究情婦、婚家、婚外情三者之間的關係。筆者針對PTT第三者板的情婦文章進行論述分析,並且整理出情婦的八種論述方式,其中包括三種關於情婦污名的論述:「你說……」論述、「責問」論述、「貶妻」論述,三種關於情婦實踐的論述:「指南」論述、「老掉牙」論述、「認錯」論述,以及兩種關於情婦如何看待婚家常規的論述:「認輸」論述、「共生」論述。根據這八種情婦論述方式,筆者歸納出四點:(一)情婦時時針對自己的悖德身分進行合理化與去污名化,即使在匿名網路空間依舊如此;(二)情婦習於內化已婚情人的男性視角,導致情婦實踐成為情感勞動與陰柔美德的結合;(三)情婦善於強調浪漫愛與婚家常規的連結,暗暗呼應社會大眾對於傳統親密關係的想像;(四)情婦經常開啟情婦文章與情婦文章之間的互文性,從而建構出情婦群體的支持網絡與社會認同。 Based on the social context in Taiwan that the decriminalization of adultery is still unfulfilled, this thesis attempts to explore the relationship among mistress, marriage and extramarital affair through the mistresses’ self-reports. A discourse analysis on the articles written by mistresses in PTT Third-Person Forum is conducted, and eight patterns of the mistresses’ discourses are sorted out, including three patterns about the stigma on mistresses: “You Said…” Discourse, “Retorting” Discourse and “Wife-Degrading” Discourse, three patterns about the everyday practices of doing mistress: “Guiding” Discourse, “Cliché” Discourse and “Apologizing” Discourse, and two patterns about how mistresses perceive the marriage norms: “Surrendering” Discourse and “Coexistence” Discourse. According to these discourses, four points are summed up: (1) mistresses rationalize and destigmatize their immoral identities from time to time, even in the anonymous online space; (2) mistresses accustom themselves to internalize the male viewpoints of their married lovers, making their everyday practices a combination of emotional labor and feminine virtue; (3) mistresses prefer to emphasize the connection between romantic love and marriage norms, implicitly echoing the public imagination for conventional intimacy; (4) mistresses often unfold the intertextuality among the mistresses’ articles, thus constructing the support network for and the social identity of the mistress group. |
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Description: | 碩士 國立政治大學 傳播學院傳播碩士學位學程 105464015 |
Source URI: | http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G1054640151 |
Data Type: | thesis |
DOI: | 10.6814/THE.NCCU.COMM.014.2019.F05 |
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